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A Question for the Cold Case Posse -- Obama State Ballot Challenge

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  • A Question for the Cold Case Posse -- Obama State Ballot Challenge

    A Question for the Cold Case Posse

    Obama State Ballot Challenge



    Editor’s note: For the uninitiated, the “Cold Case Posse” is the investigative unit that Maricopa County AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio turned loose to delve into Obama’s eligibility, initially focusing upon the so-called “birth certificate” and other vital documents, such as Selective Service Registration and Social Security numbers, all of which turned out to be fraudulent. To date and to the best of our knowledge, this is, curiously, the only official investigation of Obama anywhere in the nation. Then, they also got into more legal aspects of Obama’s eligibility, which opens up another can of worms and is the subject of the January 15 meeting. Obama has been pushing certain UN treaties very hard, which could seriously undermine our national sovereignty, Constitution and statutes, federal, state and local. Brian asks why this wasn’t brought out before the election. Why indeed?

    A brief bio (Provided only to establish credibility.)

    Brian Reilly is an Arizona political activist who currently is on the board of Waking Up America, a pro-Constitution Christian group. He is a former board member of the Surprise Tea Party and the Sun City West Tea Party. While he was with the Surprise Tea Party, Reilly developed and initiated the plan to request Sheriff Joe Arpaio to criminally investigate the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth. From April 17, 2012 to June 30, 2012, Reilly was a sworn member of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Cold Case Posse.

    A Question for the Cold Case Posse

    On January 15, at 6:30 PM, Investigator Mike Zullo of the Cold Case Posse has been scheduled to give a presentation to a joint meeting of the Surprise Tea Party and the Sun City West Tea Party. Zullo will, according to the Sun City West Tea Party website, be speaking about issues from the 1950s that have a striking similarity to current events such as Agenda 21, World Government etc. Specifically he will be speaking about the Bricker Amendment and the Connally Reservation.

    Prior to my being sworn into the Cold Case Posse by Sheriff Arpaio on April 17, 2012, I provided information regarding the Connally Reservation and the Bricker Amendment and the abuse of treaty laws to Investigator Zullo, in February and early March of 2012. In addition, I provided the name of Frank E. Holman, former President of the American Bar Association, 1948-1949, and the location of Mr. Holman’s personal papers currently warehoused at the former Sandpoint Naval Air Station in Seattle, WA. Mr. Holman was a Member of the Special Committee for the Organization of the Nations for Peace and Law, 1944 and 1945. Mr. Holman was also a member of the Special Committee for Peace and Law Through United Nations, 1946 and 1947. Mr. Holman was a Rhodes Scholar and the Senior Partner in the Seattle law firm of Holman, Mickelwait, Marion, Black & Perkins. The firm in 2006 became, Perkins Coie and now represents President Barack Hussein Obama II.

    Originally a supporter of the United Nations, Mr. Holman soon became an outspoken opponent of the United Nations and worked tirelessly at his own expense for 10 years to expose the socialist and internationalist agenda to transform America into a socialist state through international agreements, conventions, and treaties associated with the United Nations. The agenda to transform America through treaty law was best expressed by the Communist Party USA in their official journal, Political Affairs, April, 1945:

    Great popular support and enthusiasm for the [creation of the United Nations and] United Nations policies should be built up, well organized and fully articulate. But it is also necessary to do more than that. The opposition must be rendered so impotent that it will be unable to gather any significant support in the Senate against the U.N. Charter and the treaties which will follow. (my emphasis)

    In 1952, in an address to the American Bar Association, Mr. John Foster Dulles, before he became Secretary of State, issued the following warning to the delegates:

    The treaty-making power is an extraordinary power liable to abuse. Treaties make international law and also make domestic law. Under our Constitution treaties become the supreme law of the land. They are indeed more supreme than ordinary laws for congressional laws are invalid if they do not conform to the Constitution, whereas treaty laws can override the Constitution. Treaties for example, can take powers away from the Congress and give them to the President: they can take powers from the State and give them to the Federal government or to some international body and they can cut across the rights given the people by the constitutional Bill of Rights.


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman