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Defiance grows as elected officials refuse to enforce new gun control -- Examiner

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  • Defiance grows as elected officials refuse to enforce new gun control -- Examiner

    Defiance grows as elected officials refuse to enforce new gun control


    Anthony Martin, Conservative Examiner


    When President Obama stated just after the Connecticut school shooting that he would seek sweeping new control legislation, which conservatives have predicted all along, he stated that there would be "some resistance." As it turns out, that resistance has been so widespread that elected officials across the country have vowed to refuse to implement any new gun control. A statement issued Friday by a county sheriff in Kentucky is the latest example.

    According to Breitbart, Sheriff Denny Peyman of Jackson County, Ky. stated,

    My office will not comply with any federal action which violates the United States Constitution or the Kentucky Constitution which I swore uphold.

    The sheriff's remarks came in response to local questions concerning whether or not law enforcement officials would enforce gun bans, new gun control laws, or any other firearms initiative implemented by Congress or by presidential executive order.

    Sheriff Peyman further stated that in the face of real opposition, gun control proponents will back down when they see how thoroughly the majority of the country opposes what Washington is doing in attacking the Second Amendment rights of citizens.

    Such real opposition is expressing itself in outright defiance. In Wyoming, for example, state legislators have introduced a bill that could result in the arrest of and felony charges against federal agents who, within state borders, attempt to implement bans on guns, ammo, or magazines that hold over 10 rounds.

    Called the "Firearms Protection Act," the new law would annul any federal law that bans semiautomatic firearms and high capacity magazines that fire multiple rounds.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman