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Biden: W.H. readies 19 executive actions on guns -- Politico, Reid J. Epstein

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  • Biden: W.H. readies 19 executive actions on guns -- Politico, Reid J. Epstein

    Biden: W.H. readies 19 executive actions on guns


    Reid J. Epstein


    The White House has identified 19 executive actions for President Barack Obama to move unilaterally on gun control, Vice President Joe Biden told a group of House Democrats on Monday, the administration’s first definitive statements about its response to last month’s mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

    Later this week, Obama will formally announce his proposals to reduce gun violence, which are expected to include renewal of the assault weapons ban, universal background checks and prohibition of high-capacity magazine clips. But Biden, who has been leading Obama’s task force on the response, spent two hours briefing a small group of sympathetic House Democrats on the road ahead in the latest White House outreach to invested groups.

    The focus on executive orders is the result of the White House and other Democrats acknowledging the political difficulty of enacting any new gun legislation, a topic Biden did not address in Monday’s meeting.

    The executive actions could include giving the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention authority to conduct national research on guns, more aggressive enforcement of existing gun laws and pushing for wider sharing of existing gun databases among federal and state agencies, members of Congress in the meeting said.

    “It was all focusing on enforcing existing law, administering things like improving the background database, things like that that do not involve a change in the law but enforcing and making sure that the present law is administered as well as possible,” said Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.).

    The White House declined to comment on the details of what Obama will propose.

    But Biden did indicate that the remains of the Obama campaign apparatus may be activated in the effort.

    “He said that this has been a real focus on the policy and that the politics of this issue, that a strategy on the politics of the issue hasn’t been undertaken yet,” Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) told POLITICO. “He did remind us that the campaign infrastructure is still accessible.”

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Biden: W.H. readies 19 executive actions on guns', which was started 1/14/2013 by 'Sub-Driver'

    The thread references a 1/14/2013 Politico article written by Reid J. Epstein -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    The following is COMMENT #13, by 'fatnotlazy', in the thread:

    Don’t expect Congress or the courts to defend your right to keep and bear arms. YOU will have to take a stand. YOU will have to resist.

    The following is COMMENT #66, by 'Billthedrill', in the thread:

    None of the things leaked here are extensions of any existing law. Some were a part of the Assault Weapons Ban, which is no longer law.

    Look for (1) an all-out assault in the media (today's Pew poll indicating widespread support for gun control was the opening salvo); (2) political threats against states resisting; (3) more posturing that this is "standing up to the NRA" instead of "ignoring citizens' Constitutional rights"; and (4) an immediate legal challenge that will be cast as the NRA defending the interests of the gun industry instead of citizens' rights.

    The Dems need to get this put in place and the MSM's reassurance propaganda underway before the 2014 elections. That would be the same reassurance they gave us before that 0bama "respects" the Second Amendment and just as worthless. The Dems need to pay a heavy political price for this and if the current Republican leadership caves, they're done as well.

    The following is COMMENT #121, by 'Sarah Baracuda' in the thread:

    I am terrified for my country. Where we are headed, it does not look good..either we all stand up now to defend it or we wont have a country left. I dont own a gun, but I respect everyone’s right to have one..what Obama wants to do is EXACTLY what Hitler did..get rid of the guns so that he can have full control of the nation..its what the Communists have longed for in America, the total destruction of the 2nd Amendment..just even trying that, never thought I would ever be typing about a President wanting to destroy the 2nd Amendment but here we are
    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-15-2013, 01:33 AM.
    B. Steadman

