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This is war against Mental and Physical Health in America -- Canada Free Press

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  • This is war against Mental and Physical Health in America -- Canada Free Press

    This is war against Mental and Physical Health in America

    Canada Free Press

    Dr. Laurie Roth


    America we must stand now! Obama’s announcement about ‘deputizing’ Mental Health professionals and Doctors in general regarding guns and their patients is beyond dangerous — beyond unethical — beyond legal and beyond the U.S. Constitution. It will create much more danger and promote killings because the people who actually need treatment in the early stages of a dangerous cycle won’t seek treatment. They will just quietly get worse and worse and then go drive into a schoolyard, poison their boss or steal a gun and kill a bunch of people from a tower somewhere.

    I am a national talk show host and have an earned Ph.D. in Counseling from Oregon State University. My emphasis and original research was in alcohol and drugs with female alcoholics and I have been a crisis counselor for over 20 years, while building a talk radio career and raising a family I am a mental health expert with a Ph.D. a talk show host and a proud gun owner. This is war against me as a gun owner and war against me as a mental health provider.

    Dictator Obama not only uses children to hide behind, but now mental health professionals and Doctors of all kinds. They are to be his new spies to get guns and gun rights from law-abiding citizens. Now, the ‘deputized’ mental health professionals and Doctors of all kinds are to ask about guns in the home and questions that would target any ‘violent’ tendency, depression, fear, perhaps an episode of spousal abuse or vandalism.

    Maybe a kid was formally in a gang in high school and was struggling with memories of violence and crime – Boom – report him and deny his gun rights. Maybe a young women reports feelings of acting out and violence against her Dad who raped her when she was 5 and she struggles with thoughts of doing him in — Boom – report her and deny her gun rights. Certainly, the returning Vet dealing with nightmares and adjustment issues must be turned in as well. Boom – report him and deny his gun rights.

    If this is allowed to stand, it will bastardize and destroy the mental health and physical health industry. Confidentiality, which is supposed to be the first safety net of any client who pursues and needs counseling will be gone. There will be NO reason nor any safety in going to a counselor, therapist or Doctor ever again!

    The truth is and has been that millions of people go to therapy because something isn’t working right; they have troubling thoughts, or are stuck in certain behaviors. That does not mean that they plan to kill someone or should have their confidential rights betrayed or betrayed by an alleged theory from a therapist now being guided, intimidated and encouraged by a Tyrant and dictator Obama.

    If this is the new law, regulation push and executive order (whatever Obama wants to call it) and he is putting his weight behind it, then this is what I encourage the nation to do.

    Never see a mental health counselor or Psychiatrist again in your life. If you have to see a medical doctor, never answer questions about your home, hobbies or guns. It is none of their stinking business at all and now is to be used against you and your Constitutional rights.

    Mental health leadership in all fields MUST stand against this bold attack and intrusion NOW. This will only stop the people who really do need help from ever coming to get it in time. Obama is making things much worse.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman