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Pravda Writes About Obama Ballot Challenge Director Pamela Barnett

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  • Pravda Writes About Obama Ballot Challenge Director Pamela Barnett

    Pravda Writes about Obama Ballot Challenge Director Pamela Barnett

    Obama State Ballot Challenge


    The title of the Pravda article is:

    "Obama the Chicken is Being Plucked"

    Pravda (Engish)

    Mark McGrew


    "January 29 through the 31st, 5% of the sheriffs in America are in Las Vegas Nevada, learning how to tell the Federal government agents to pack sand and get out of town. 20% of the 50 United States of America have been presented with lawsuits and or legal filings challenging the eligibility of Barack Obama to be on the ballot for the 2012 election.

    Congressional representative Allen West summed up the American people's feelings for the Obama administration today when he told Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to, "Get the hell out of The United States of America!". His talk can be seen here.

    Ten people will be murdered today in Mexico with guns provided to drug cartels by Eric Holder, the United States Attorney General. Politicians are calling for him to resign. Resign??

    There is enough evidence presented to Congress to arrest him and prosecute him for an Act of War against the nation of Mexico, accessory to murder of thousands of innocent citizens in Mexico and America as well as the murder of United States Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Resign?? Besides sending illegal guns to Mexico, Holder and his associates sold guns to criminal street gangs inside the United States where the guns will be used inside the United States. It will take years to find the thousands of guns these criminals sold to killers.

    Eric Holder and his criminal operatives in his office and the Department of Justice need to be dragged out in handcuffs, jailed with no bail and put on trial with a jury of American citizens who are not federal government employees.

    Like a dead chicken being plucked, Obama has lost his power and his support. Six months or so ago, French President Sarkozy called Obama, "Insane". Other world leaders have publicly called him incompetent and other derogatory names............................................. .

    The thing known as Obama is committing one large theft after another of the American people's money, work and trust. He is the most disgusting example of human life we have ever witnessed.

    Like all stupid people, he thinks everyone else is stupider than he is. There is, however, one thing he has done well. Every facet of American life and business has gone down considerably, except for foreclosures, unemployment, bankruptcies and business closures.

    The mistake he made was to think that We the People, would just sit back and take his arrogant insulting crap.

    Pamela Barnett was a plaintiff in a case brought by Orly Taiz demanding proof that Obama was eligible to be President. That court arrogantly and illegally refused to hear their complaint. Pamela Barnett's character reflects that of most Americans: When you treat her like a dog, she'll jump up and bite you. So she formed an organization to teach and help people how to have Obama taken off of all 50 State ballots. And it is working very well. Her site is here: "

    View the complete Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012 article at:

    View the complete Pravda (Engish) article at:
    B. Steadman