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“Million Moms for Gun Control” Hold Rally of 6,000 in DC -- FrontPage Magazine

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  • “Million Moms for Gun Control” Hold Rally of 6,000 in DC -- FrontPage Magazine

    “Million Moms for Gun Control” Hold Rally of 6,000 in DC

    FrontPage Magazine

    Daniel Greenfield


    Math is not a friend of the left.

    Thousands of marchers rallied in Washington in favor of gun control on Saturday, including residents of Newtown, Connecticut, where a mass elementary school shooting reignited the U.S. gun violence debate.

    The 90-minute rally was organized by Molly Smith, artistic director of Washington’s Arena Stage, and her partner, and co-sponsored by One Million Moms for Gun Control, an advocacy group.

    The One Million Moms rally was organized by two lesbians, Molly Smith and Suzanne Blue Star Boy (pictured
    - in article) whose lifestyle makes them physically incapable of being moms except through medical intervention and outside donors.

    And the One Million Non-Moms turned out a rally of 6,000 that seemed to have more politicians than people. The march cost $49,000 or about $8 per participant. The turnout would have been better if they had just paid people to come. Some of them might have even been moms.

    Molly Smith, the artistic director of Arena Stage, remembers exactly how she felt when she first heard news of the shootings in Newtown, Conn.: “It was as if the unthinkable had happened.” Her partner, American Indian activist Suzanne Blue Star Boy, said, “Somebody needs to do a march,” and Smith realized who those somebodies needed to be. “Within the next day, we decided that we needed to lead a march, to get people together to make this happen.”

    The march begins at the Reflecting Pool on Third Street NW and ends by the Washington Monument. Its expected cost is $49,000 (for the sound system, stage, first-aid tent, some advertising, water and more);

    Some children just died. Let’s put on a show! That will solve everything. And let’s raise 50 grand to do it.

    The rally will continue with a 3 p.m. performance of “Boged (Traitor): An Enemy of the People”

    Boged is a left-wing Israeli adaptation of Ibsen’s Enemy of the People. What it has to do with gun control is well… nothing.

    “The plays aren’t necessarily about action but [are] about emotional responses to the tragedy in Newtown and other tragedies,” said John Moletress, founder of force/collision. “It’s not just about protestation.”

    It’s also about exploitation.

    Speakers – including Education Secretary Arne Duncan, lawmakers and actors – urged the protesters carrying such signs as “What Would Jesus Pack?” to lobby Congress and state legislators to back gun control measures.

    Duncan, who said one student had died from guns every two weeks while he was chief executive of Chicago’s public schools, denied that gun control was about limiting firearm rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Murders in that city last year rose to the highest level since 2008, according to police.

    “This is about gun responsibility. This is about gun safety. This is about fewer dead Americans, fewer dead children, fewer children living in fear,” Duncan said.

    This is about gun euphemisms.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman