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Suspected cop killer and manhunt target left manifesto demanding 'gun control'

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  • Suspected cop killer and manhunt target left manifesto demanding 'gun control'

    Suspected cop killer and manhunt target left manifesto demanding 'gun control'


    David Codrea, Gun Rights Examiner


    A former Los Angeles Police Department officer, the subject of an all-stops-pulled manhunt suspected of a double murder in Irvine and the shooting of three Inland Empire police officers, left a rambling “manifesto” threatening a campaign of targeted killings directed at LAPD personnel and their family members, and also demanding a renewed “assault weapons” ban.

    Under the subject heading “Last Resort,” terminated LAPD officer Christopher Jordan Dorner detailed a list of grievances naming officers and incidents, and sent a chilling threat that his killings will continue, and that his military and police training will permit him to evade those trying to prevent them. Of special significance to gun owners is Dorner’s demand for strong “gun control” measures.

    “If you had a well regulated AWB, this would not happen,” he wrote. “The time is now to reinstitute a ban that will save lives. Why does any sportsman need a 30 round magazine for hunting? Why does anyone need a suppressor? Why does anyone need a [sic] AR15 rifle?

    “This is the same small arms weapons system utilized in eradicating Al Qaeda, Taliban, and every enemy combatant since the Vietnam war,” he continued. “Don’t give me that crap that its [sic] not a select fire or full auto rifle like the DoD uses.

    The rant is long, disjointed and rambling, with high praise for some politicians including President Obama, Hillary Clinton and former President George W. Bush, as well as with pro and con messages directed to prominent individuals, sports figures and celebrities. It provides a disturbing insight into the type of mind that felt compelled to write it, and a disturbing insight into the types of minds that would agree with Dorner.
    - (bold emphasis added)

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Obot Targets Cops In Killing Spree: Slams Those That Question Obama's Birth Certificate

    Birther Report



    Obot Targets Cops In Killing Spree: Slams Those That Question Kenyan Obama's Birth Certificate

    Via Gateway Pundit: Shocker. Cop-Killing Cop on the Run in California Is Leftist Freak & Big Obama Fan

    Another liberal freak goes on a deadly shooting spree.

    Chris Dorner, the suspected mass-murdering cop killer on the run in California, is a big supporter of leftist leaders and liberal media hacks. Before he went on his killing spree he wrote a 22 page manifesto full of praise for leftist leaders in media and politics. Dorner is suspected of killing one cop and two civilians during a rampage that began Sunday, injuring two other officers along the way.


    Via Weasel Zippers: Piers Morgan Fan Goes On Shooting Rampage, Killing Three…

    The killer is also a huge Obama supporter and fan of gun-control.

    Loves Obama:

    You disrespect the office of the POTUS/Presidency and Commander in Chief. You call him Kenyan, mongroid, halfrican, muslim, and FBHO when in essence you are to address him as simply, President. The same as you did to President George W. Bush and all those in the highest ranking position of our land before him. Just as I always have. You question his birth certificate, his educational and professional accomplishments, and his judeo-christian beliefs. You make disparaging remarks about his dead parents. You never questioned the fact that his former opponent, the honorable Senator John McCain, was not born in the CONUS or that Bush had a C average in his undergrad. Electoral Candidates children (Romney) state they want to punch the president in the face during debates with no formal repercussions. No one even questioned the fact that the son just made a criminal threat toward the President. You call his wife a Wookie. Off the record, I love your new bangs, Mrs. Obama. [...]


    Via TMZ: LAPD COP KILLER - Left Messages for Tebow, Charlie Sheen, Larry David

    Ex-LAPD officer Christopher Dorner -- the accused killer at the center of a citywide manhunt -- posted a rambling message to various celebrities ... including Tim Tebow ... before embarking on his murderous rampage.

    The message is part of an "uncensored manifesto" that law enforcement confirms to TMZ was posted to the Internet by Dorner. Besides various threats to police officers and their families ... Dorner --who's now accused of killing 3 people including a cop -- also blogs goodbye messages to his favorite stars, as if he's planning on dying.



    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 02-08-2013, 04:17 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Piers Morgan: L.A. Murder Spree Has 'Nothing To Do With Politics'


      John Nolte


      Funny thing about this new policy of Pier Morgan's--I mean his not wanting to bring politics into America's latest mass-murder spree. Because in the past, whenever the CNN host was able to exploit dead innocents and sanctimoniously demand the government restrict our Second Amendment civil rights, he has done so without shame or conscience.

      View the complete article at:
      B. Steadman

