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Missouri Dems Introduce Alarming Gun Confiscation Bill ... -- The Blaze

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  • Missouri Dems Introduce Alarming Gun Confiscation Bill ... -- The Blaze

    Missouri Dems Introduce Alarming Gun Confiscation Bill Giving Law-Abiding Gun Owners 90 Days to Turn in Certain Firearms or Become Felons

    The Blaze

    Jason Howerton


    Democrats in Missouri introduced startling anti-gun legislation that would require gun owners to hand over their legally purchased so-called “assault weapons” to “the appropriate law enforcement agency for destruction” within 90 days.

    Under the proposed bill, “Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have ninety days from such effective date to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution.”

    Here are some additional provisions found in the gun control bill:

    (1) Remove the assault weapon or large capacity magazine from the state of Missouri;

    (2) Render the assault weapon permanently inoperable; or

    (3) Surrender the assault weapon or large capacity magazine to the appropriate law enforcement agency for destruction, subject to specific agency regulations.


    5. Unlawful manufacture, import, possession, purchase, sale, or transfer of an assault weapon or a large capacity magazine is a class C felony.

    So essentially the law would turn a law-abiding gun owner today, into a felon tomorrow.

    State Reps. Rory Ellinger (D-86) and Jill Schupp (D-88) reportedly introduced the anti-gun legislation, House Bill 545, this week.

    Gun confiscation is being talked about more and more by lawmakers as a means to get so-called “assault weapons,” which are really semi-automatic rifles, off the streets. Democrats in California last week also proposed legislation that called for the potential confiscation of the state’s 166,000 legally purchased semi-automatic rifles.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Colorado House Approves Four New, Bold Gun Control Measures

    The Huffington Post

    Ivan Moreno and Kristen Wyatt


    DENVER -- A package of gun control measures won initial approval in Colorado's Democratic-controlled House Friday night, with Vice President Joe Biden personally phoning four lawmakers from his ski vacation in the state to speed along the emotional debate.

    Biden phoned three freshmen legislators along with Democratic House Speaker Mark Ferrandino. The calls came amid a long debate over the proposals, including expanded background checks and ammunition limits – responses to mass shootings, including the killings at a Colorado movie theater.

    In all, the House gave the initial OK to four bills after a daylong debate. The preliminary votes set up final actions on the measures Monday.

    The Democratic gun-control package that advanced also includes banning concealed weapons on public college campuses, and requiring that gun buyers pay for their background checks.

    One of the freshmen Biden called, Democratic Rep. Tony Exum, hails from conservative Colorado Springs and said he had no idea who would be on the line when a "restricted" number rang his cellphone during afternoon debate.

    "He said, `This is Vice President Joe Biden.' I said, `No way!'" Exum recalled with a chuckle after the call.

    Exum said that Biden repeatedly called him "chief," a reference to Exum's former service as a fire chief. Exum said Friday night that his mind was already made up to support the gun-control measures, but Biden asked about the package's prospects. Exum said prospects were good and that he was happy to hear from the vice president on Colorado's gun debate.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

