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Day of Resistance Second Amendment Events Held Nationwide 2-23-13

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  • Day of Resistance Second Amendment Events Held Nationwide 2-23-13

    Day of Resistance Second Amendment Events Held Nationwide 2-23-13

    Obama State Ballot Challenge


    Above (shown in original post) scene is from just one of many such events. This was right before our Ventura County, CA “Civil Rights March” for Second Amendment Civil Rights began to head for the Mission Park site of the event.

    We held an event in support of the Second Amendment, to rally the troops, provide further education and build an army of activists to stop enemies of the Constitution who would severely curtail or end the 2nd. Political/eligibility activist Brian Reilly was a speaker and in passing just happened to mention his role in the Cold Case Posse, which documented “Obama” identity fraud– along with fighting gun bans, how to increase effectiveness of political action and the role of faith in all of this. We’ll post the video when we’re done with the editing.

    Event Report:

    Day of Resistance Ventura County Second Amendment Event 2-23-13 a Resounding Success
    Event sites:
    Video of Stewart Rhodes speech:

    url: http://peopleprotectingfreedom.ning....-of-resistance
    we’ll post more speaker videos when available.
    Speakers were:

    Political- Peter Foy- Ventura County Supervisor
    Keynote- Stewart Rhodes- Oath Keepers Founder
    Gun legislation- Bobbie K. Ross- for CalGuns + private practice
    Legislative Action – Sean Paroski- Fmr. Sen. Strickland Aide
    10th Amendment- Nick Hank Hankoff- Tenth Amendment Center
    Political action- Brian Reilly- Waking Up America

    View the complete post, including video, at:
    B. Steadman