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Bloodied Hagel Heads to the Pentagon -- FrontPage Magazine, Matthew Vadum

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  • Bloodied Hagel Heads to the Pentagon -- FrontPage Magazine, Matthew Vadum

    Bloodied Hagel Heads to the Pentagon

    FrontPage Magazine

    Matthew Vadum


    In a largely party-line vote, would-be Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was narrowly confirmed by the Senate yesterday after Republicans’ months-long opposition to the nominee crumbled.

    The mullahs are no doubt resting easy in Tehran.

    Hagel, who is uncomfortably cozy with Islamists, replaces Leon Panetta. The new Pentagon chief could be sworn in as soon as today, clearing the way for Hagel to insult America’s allies abroad and bungle what’s left of the Global War on Terror.

    Despite losing in the end, Hagel’s opponents believe bloodying the nominee was worthwhile.

    “In order to get Hagel barely across the finish line, the president had to burn up a tremendous amount of political capital to keep pro-Israel and vulnerable Democrats in line while Hagel was forced to disavow every position he’s ever held that endeared him to foreign policy leftists,” one senior Republican Senate aide told Tim Mak of Politico.

    “Bottom line: a weakened White House gets a marginalized secretary of defense who had to disavow all of his views and supporters in order to win confirmation. I’d call that a win for the opposition.”

    Obama now has two-thirds of his Islamist-appeasement dream team in place. The other two jewels in this tripartite crown of shame are CIA director nominee John Brennan, and John Kerry, the new, pathologically anti-American secretary of state. The Senate Intelligence Committee may vote on the nomination of Brennan, a useful idiot for Islamofascism, as soon as Thursday.

    Obama chose Hagel as Department of Defense boss because the two are of the same mind on defense matters. Obama knows he can count on Hagel to dramatically scale back the U.S. military. As the Left sees it, cutting defense spending frees up more money for welfare programs.

    Hagel’s support for U.S. nuclear disarmament, dramatic defense cuts, and blindness to the threat posed by Iran have long rankled conservatives.

    Yesterday’s confirmation came a day after notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan praised Hagel during a speech at the Nation of Islam Annual Saviors’ Day Convention.

    “America needs a man in Congress like that, who’s not a rubber stamp for others. You need a man like Senator Hagel as your Secretary of Defense. A man with a mind like that will keep you out of fighting somebody else’s wars. You need a man in government that has another opinion, that is not controlled. If the Senate does not confirm him as Defense Secretary because of his opinion on Israel, that only proves that the Senate and the U. S. Congress is controlled by the Israeli lobby and it all sentences America to war with Iran for the State of Israel.”

    Amazingly, Farrakhan’s endorsement of Hagel had no impact on the confirmation process, in part, probably because the mainstream media suppressed the news. Outside of conservative news websites and talk radio Farrakhan’s comments were not reported.


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    B. Steadman