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Breitbart News' Joel Pollak Takes On Smear Machine Media Matters; I'm Not A Birther

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  • Breitbart News' Joel Pollak Takes On Smear Machine Media Matters; I'm Not A Birther

    Video: Breitbart News' Joel Pollak Takes On Smear Machine Media Matters; I'm Not A Birther

    Birther Report




    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Video: Breitbart News' Joel Pollak Takes On Smear Machine Media Matters; I'm Not A Birther', which was started 3/17/2013 by 'Seizethecarp'

    The thread references the 3/16/2013 Birther Report post - http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogs...a-birther.html

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    The following is COMMENT #3 by 'SatinDoll' in the thread:

    This is a ridiculous article.

    The word “birther” by itself is meaningless. There is a U.S.Constitutional eligibility requirement that the President be a “Natural born Citizen”, and the left-wingers have been crazed enough to try and eliminate it by all means possible other than that specified for changes in the Constitution.

    BHO2 himself trumpeted his birth in Kenya prior to 2006. It was in January 2007 that Lois Anderson and Zelda Anderson White were forced at gunpoint from a U.S. State Department vehicle and shot to death by the side of the road. Why is this important?

    Lois Anderson, a missionary known as ‘Mama Lois’ from Pennsylvania USA, had encountered a very pregnant Stanley Ann Dunham Obama in the Nairobi Airport the summer of 1961. She, Mrs. Obama and baby Barry later flew in August from Nairobi to Edinburgh to Vancouver BC Canada, where they split and Mrs.Obama went on to Seattle, WA USA.

    The only reason Lois Anderson was assassinated had to do with BHO2’s birth in Kenya.
    - (bold and color emphasis added)

    The following is COMMENT #10 by 'mc5cents' in the thread:

    Interesting. Found this too.

    Mama Lois” Anderson, 79, and her 52 year old daughter Zelda White: Two US women aid workers were shot dead in Nairobi in Kenya (2008) were the retired Presbyterian Church missionaries of Pennsylvania (USA), known to thousands of Africans. The suspected killers of the US women, who were travelling in a car with diplomatic license plates, allegedly shot dead by police later. They were well known for their work. There is speculation that they possibly had knowledge of the birth and care for Barack Obama in Kenya and were later murdered to cover the trail. When murdered, the Husband had his full wallet which the thieves/car jacker didn’t take, and there was never a connection made to the said attackers the police later shot dead, but blamed for the double homicide/car jacking. Their church was burned in 2008, possibly to destroy any possible birth records there. Then police chief Mohammed Hussein Ali was later removed from office by Obama supported Kenyan strongman Odinga. All possible witnesses ended up dead, all possible records of the care of infant Obama burned in the church fire, and the public official responsible out of office.

    Holiyah Soetoro Sobah, aka Lia Soetoro, Obama’s adopted sister: died under mysterious, sudden, and unusual circumstances just as she was getting ready to be reunited with her childhood companion and adopted brother. She spoke of many specific incidences in the household, where she grew up with "Barry" in Indonesia. She saved many items that Barry used during childhood. She was looking forward to seeing him, because she’d seen him on TV and was told that was “Barry”, her little brother; however, Lia had reservations about it and so was anticipating seeing the scars he had from falling out of the mango tree and the limp she said he walked with. That was not to be because she up and died. Read about it here and watch video of here........PDF document from a web site of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia appears to confirm a relationship between Lia and Barack Hussein Obama.

    Those deaths might explain why people are too afraid to do anything about Obama's ineligibility issues.

    The following is COMMENT #38 by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

    By January of 2007 Obama had just recently amended a HI BC while pursuing the issue of whether he would run for President, according to HDOH disclosures.

    IIRC, January of 2007 was also when Obama announced he would run for President. I wonder how the exact date lines up with the date of Mama Lois’ assassination.

    Here’s what’s listed on a timeline for Obama’s Presidential run:

    Oct. 22, 2006 Illinois Sen. Barack Obama tells NBC’s Tim Russert that he has reconsidered the possibility of running for president. Nine months earlier on the same show, Obama had ruled out a 2008 presidential run.

    Jan. 16, 2007 In a Web video, Obama announces he has filed papers to form a presidential exploratory committee.

    Feb. 10, 2007 Obama formally announces his candidacy on the steps of the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Ill., where Abraham Lincoln once declared that a house divided against itself cannot stand. More

    I just looked up, at it says Mama Lois was killed on Sat. Jan 27. Eleven days after Obama announced that he filed papers for an exploratory committee, and 11 days before announcing his candidacy. Smack dab in the middle of the decision as to whether to run.
    - (bold and red color emphasis added)

    The following is COMMENT #41 by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

    What I read is that Obama’s cousin, Raila Odinga, had a Memorandum of Understanding with the Muslims. If they helped put him in power he would reciprocate by trying to get rid of Kenya’s help in the US’s “War on Terror” and would institute sharia. I wish I could remember the source, but it was said that part of getting him in power was voting, but also to do violence if he didn’t win or steal the election, so that it would be considered urgent to let him in just to stop the violence. If so, the riots of 2007 were orchestrated by Obama’s cousin in order to get him in power. The communist-Islamist alliance at work in Kenya. And Odinga fulfilled his promise to the Muslims because Obama spent millions of US taxpayer dollars to push for the new Kenyan constitution which establishes sharia in majority-Muslim areas.

    The following is COMMENT #44 by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

    Those who don’t realize that Obama is a foreign enemy combatant who was installed by a coup, including threats and assassinations, will never see his actions for what they really are: deliberate attempts to destroy America and capitalism (the two chief goals of Soros, who says he owns the democrat party) as well as further the “Muslim agenda” (which Obama privately told the Egyptian ambassador in January of 2010 that he supports because he was and still is a Muslim, and that the Muslim world needed to be patient with him because he would turn to the Muslim agenda once he got Obamacare passed in the US). The agenda that all sects of Islam agree on are the destruction of the US and Israel and the institution of worldwide sharia.

    See, the eligibility issue matters IMMENSELY, because without seeing the coup for what it is, the society will misread the deliberate destruction going on right now. If the entire US population realized that Obama is a foreign enemy combatant who was installed via a coup, the giant would no longer be sleeping, and what Obama’s owners/installers (the world communist-Islamist alliance) are trying to do would be exposed and stopped.

    For this reason, I believe that the eligibility issue and the lawlessness that allowed the coup to happen are THE BIGGEST ISSUE. The rest of what we see is symptoms which can be explained away by a complicit liberal media and a threatened conservative media. But the coup that took place in 2008 exposes our enemies for who they are, and that is what is needed in this war.

    Larry Sellin overheard a R Presidential primary candidate say that nobody would touch the eligibility issue because they know it goes much deeper than anybody wants to delve. IOW, they know that 2008 was a coup and they don’t want to have the depth of the treachery exposed or opened up. But that’s basically like saying that you don’t want to be tested for cancer because you don’t want the doctor to know that it’s eating your whole body up. The decision to let the cancer grow unexposed and untreated is a suicidal decision. Congress may be suicidal but they should not be able to choose death for the whole country.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 03-21-2013, 03:34 PM.
    B. Steadman

