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CPAC - Atty. Orly Taitz: Comments regarding the 'uninvited panel' meeting

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  • CPAC - Atty. Orly Taitz: Comments regarding the 'uninvited panel' meeting

    Demand an answer from the editors of, Pamela Geller, Frank Gaffney and others, how can they have a 2 hour press conference on the need to e-verify jihadists and try to silence Attorney Orly Taitz, who brought forward Barack Obama’s failed E-Verify. Demand they publish immediately Obama’s failed E-Verify and his failed SSNVS

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation
    Orly Taitz, Esq.


    As always teasonous and criminally complicit members of the media, such as Alex Seits-Walt from, manipulate and bend the truth out of shape in order to aid and abet Obama.

    During the CPAC convention nobody was allowed to talk about the atrocities inflicted upon Christians and Jews by Muslims and creeping influence of Islam on the life in the U.S.

    People’s best blogger award at CPAC was given to anti Jihad web site, however the gentleman who runs the site was not given an opportunity to speak at CPAC. He attributed this to the fact that Grover Norquist, one of the main organizers of CPAC, became highly influenced by his Muslim associate Sukhi Khan.

    Anti Jihad activists at CPAC revolted, so they were given an opportunity to vent their anger at corruption of CPAC by having an impromptu “uninvited” question and answer session in an adjacent, smaller auditorium. This was organized by

    At this session they were saying that the leadership of CPAC, as well as many other organizations are corrupt, dirty, that today the truth is called the hate speech by the dirty establishment. People who speak up about the atrocities by Muslims are called homophobic and racists. They stated that Barack Obama is indeed supporting the states and organizations run by jihadists, he is gutting the U.S. military and he is an enormous threat to the US National security. When they announced the question and answer session, I raised my hand and was given an opportunity to speak.

    I stated that they called themselves “uninvited panel”, as they were not invited to speak at the main auditorium, but were given this impromptu forum to vent. I told them that the biggest “uninvited” issue is the one that will resolve all other issues. I told them them that they were talking about the need for e-verify to identify the Muslim terrorists and Jihadists, but they are not talking about the most important person, who failed E-verify. I stated that Obama posted his tax returns on line, did not flatten the PDF file, the full social Security number he is using became available to the public and when checked through the E-verify and SSNVS, it failed. At that point the moderator, one of the puppets running stated that I cannot talk any further about Obama, I need to ask the question. I asked, why aren’t they speaking about Obama’s use of forged and stolen IDs, why did not write about this most important issue for 4 years. He said the he will talk for Andrew Breitbart, however I told him that he cannot talk for Andrew, he cannot talk for someone who is dead, I told him to talk for himself.

    It is a known fact, when a person is not sure of himself, or lying or embarrassed about something, he would try to hide behind a group, so this moderator did just that. Instead of speaking for himself, he said, “we, the editorial board of Breitbard decided that we are not birthers”. I told him that by responding like this he showed that he has no integrity. He complained that he and panelists were maligned for speaking up the truth, were called homophobics for speaking the truth abut Islam, but they are doing just that themselves, they refuse to look at the evidence of Obama using forged and stolen IDs, they are labeling people who speak the truth about it, as “birthers”, they are muzzling the truth.

    All of the panelists, among them Frank Gaffrey and Pamela Geller looked extremely embarrassed, they were called to task, so the only thing Pamela could sa, is that they can do only that much, I responded that this is the most important issue, they have to talk about it. When they talk about the need to run the E-verify to ID the terrorists, they cannot skip the fact that Obama himself failed E-Verify.


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    B. Steadman