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Obama Still Battling Addiction? -- The Ulsterman Report

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  • Obama Still Battling Addiction? -- The Ulsterman Report

    Obama Still Battling Addiction?

    The Ulsterman Report



    Press reports are indicating President Barack Obama, who Michelle Obama famously declared was “smoke free” some years ago, is chewing nicotine gum like crazy during his trip to Israel. Now why would someone who has reportedly quit smoking years ago still need that nicotine fix? Could it be the White House LIED about Obama’s not so former habit? Nah…the Obama White House about something? No way. Just not possible. Readers of White House Insider may recall them calling B.S. on the quitting smoking claim almost as soon as it came out. White House staffers were well aware of the president’s ongoing need to light up – especially in that upstairs private study of his. Clearly though when out in public, this president is forced to get that nicotine fix right quick – though the media remains oddly silent about the seeming fact of a president who clearly suffers from those nicotine shakes…

    “Let me be clear…Michelle says I gave up smoking. She didn’t say what though…”

    EXCERPT: (via WHD)
    Obama Gumming Up Meetings With Netanyahu, Abbas

    President Obama appeared to be chewing Nicorette gum today during separate gatherings with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Palestine National Authority President Abbas.

    According the the White House press pool report, Obama appeared to be chewing at both a technology exhibition he and Netanyahu attended in Jerusalem and later in the day as he and Abbas sat together for photographs just before meeting in Ramallah.


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    B. Steadman