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100,000 Line Up to Back Sheriff Joe Arpaio -- WND, Jerome R. Corsi

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  • 100,000 Line Up to Back Sheriff Joe Arpaio -- WND, Jerome R. Corsi

    100,000 line up to back Sheriff Joe

    Petition says Department of Justice investigation just a political attack


    Jerome R. Corsi


    "Officials with Grassfire Nation, a key coordinating group for tea-party-type activities and issues, say the Department of Justice’s investigation of Maricopa, Ariz., County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is nothing more than a political attack.

    And to offer encouragement to the sheriff, Darla Dawald, representing the Grassfire Nation group, has presented Arpaio with a petition of some 100,000 signatures from people who have declared their support for the law-enforcement officer.

    Grassfire Nation supports the Patriot Action Network, which calls itself the “nation’s largest conservative social action network, involving tens of thousands of citizens,” including many tea party members.

    The petition demands DOJ prove its accusations that Arpaio’s office has engaged in a policy to systematically violate the civil rights of Hispanics, which WND has reported DOJ refuses to do.

    The petition claims the DOJ investigation is nothing more than a baseless, politically motivated attack on Arpaio.

    “Citizens belonging to this grass roots movement who called themselves ‘Grassroots Nation’ have followed the situation and say they feel the federal government has orchestrated an attack on the Sheriff for Obama’s political gain, who hopes to ingratiate himself to the Hispanic American voting block,” the petition read.

    The petition’s “Statement of Support” says:

    “As a Citizen of the United States, I am declaring my support for Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the sheriff’s lawful practices in prosecuting criminal and his unflinching stand in handling the illegal immigration crisis in his home state of Arizona. I demand that the U.S. Department of Justice release any evidence involving the allegations against Sheriff Joe and his department’s practices. If proven unfounded, I demand an immediate end to the politically motivated witch-hunt against the sheriff and his department, and a public apology from Attorney General Holder.”

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman