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Obama Launches 'Truth Team' for New Round of Smear-Fighting -- Politicker

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  • Obama Launches 'Truth Team' for New Round of Smear-Fighting -- Politicker

    Obama Launches ‘Truth Team’ For New Round of Smear-Fighting


    David Freedlander


    "The Obama campaign announced this morning that they will launch a new crowd-sourced initiative, to in their words, “promote the President’s achievements, respond to attacks on his record and hold the eventual Republican nominee accountable.”

    The effort follows up a similar one in 2008 called “Fight The Smears” which was designed to debunk rumors that Mr. Obama was born in Kenya or was a Muslim. That decision came amid some hand-wringing over whether or not it was better to ignore the false rumors in the hopes that they would go away or confront them head on.

    This time around, in a signal of what the campaign will look like going forward, the effort is less focused on Mr. Obama and more focused on his Republican opponent, with websites like, and -”serving as quick, comprehensive resources to help set the record straight,” the campaign writes.

    "Designed to put responsibility for spreading the truth in the hands of the President’s supporters, the websites contain videos and information on the President’s record, and fact checks on Republican claims about the President and themselves. The sites also contain tools for sharing materials via Facebook, Twitter and email, and empowers supporters to take further action by volunteering, writing letters to the editor, sending postcards to undecided voters with information about the President’s record, and more. The goal is to ensure that when Republicans attack President Obama’s record, grassroots supporters can take ownership of the campaign and share the facts with the undecided voters in their lives."

    This campaign will be a state-by-state effort and will be powered by some of the president’s union allies in National Education Association, the Service Employees International Union, United Food and Commercial Workers International Union and the United Steelworkers Union."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Link to the 'Truth Team' website:
    B. Steadman

