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GUNWALKER: Bombshell: Cartel Kingpins Targeted by Feds were FBI INFORMANTS!

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  • GUNWALKER: Bombshell: Cartel Kingpins Targeted by Feds were FBI INFORMANTS!

    Bombshell: cartel kingpins targeted by Feds were FBI informants


    Anthony Martin, Conservative Examiner


    "A bombshell revelation contained in a memo written by congressional staffers on the Fast and Furious operation indicates that the drug cartel kingpins targeted by Federal law enforcement agencies were actually FBI informants.

    The revelation has far reaching implications for the government's stated motivation for implementing Fast and Furious. The Obama Administration claims that the goal was to catch Mexican drug cartel kingpins by walking U.S. guns across the border, making sure that the weapons found their way in the hands of cartel criminals.

    But if such 'criminals' were FBI informants, then the entire basis for conducting the operation was bogus and doomed to failure.

    Not a single drug kingpin was arrested for gun and drug trafficking as a result of Fast and Furious. It is now becoming clear as to why no arrests were made. The criminals involved worked for the federal government of the United States.

    This fact only underscores the charge made by ATF whistleblower agents from the beginning, that Fast and Furious was never intended to be a sting operation but from the start was a scheme concocted in the highest levels of the Obama Administration to send guns to Mexico in order to make it appear as if "90% of the firearms used by Mexican drug cartels came from the U.S." These false statistics could then be used to attempt to make a case for new gun control laws in the U.S., which Democrats on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform have wasted no time in doing.

    The memo containing the bombshell revelation was reported in a news story published by USA Today.

    And in a stinging indictment at the Fast and Furious Investigation website, the implications of the latest revelations are staggering:

    "It is just complete coincidence that a rabidly anti-gun President that told an anti-gun activist in a private meeting that he was working on gun control “under the radar” appointed a anti-gun Attorney General, who appointed a gun control architect as the U.S. Attorney over the same ATF office that included radically anti-gun agents that thought gun-walking was a great tactic to politicize border state firearms dealers and shut them down.

    That is a lot to ask anyone to swallow, especially when the Administration still refuses to answer even the most basic questions about the operation, such as who came up with it, and who approved it.

    Every bit of evidence dripping out of this poorly-conceived cover-up points to one, and only one plausible conclusion.

    Barack Obama’s Administration was willing to sacrifice the lives of thousands of Mexican nationals and Mexican-Americans along the border states in an effort to blame gun dealers for crimes the Administration committed, solely in the hopes of using those deaths to bolster their unpopular dream of reinstating the failed Clinton-era assault weapon ban.

    The longer this investigation drags on and the more evidence that comes forward, the more apparent it is that murder was a tool the Obama Administration was willing to exploit in what is the deadliest political scandal in American political history."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman