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Security Cameras Catch Mystery Break-In At State Department Whistleblower's Law Firm

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  • Security Cameras Catch Mystery Break-In At State Department Whistleblower's Law Firm

    Video: Security Cameras Catch Mystery Break-In At State Department Whistleblower's Law Firm

    Birther Report



    - image credit: american free press -
    Video: Security Cameras Catch Mystery Break-In At
    State Department Whistleblower's Law Firm

    VIDEO ...
    ( Video via Fox's KDFW )

    Cameras Catch Mystery Break-In at Whistleblower's Law Firm
    By John Hudson @ Foreign Policy

    The offices of a Dallas law firm representing a high-profile State Department whistleblower were broken into last weekend. Burglars stole three computers and broke into the firm's file cabinets. But silver bars, video equipment and other valuables were left untouched, according to local Fox affiliate KDFW, which aired security camera footage of the suspected burglars entering and leaving the offices around the time of the incident.

    The firm Schulman & Mathias represents Aurelia Fedenisn, a former investigator at the State Department's Office of the Inspector General. In recent weeks, she raised a slew of explosive allegations against the department and its contractors ranging from illicit drug use, soliciting sexual favors from minors and prostitutes and sexual harassment.

    "It's a crazy, strange and suspicious situation," attorney Cary Schulman told The Cable. "It's clear to me that it was somebody looking for information and not money. My most high-profile case right now is the Aurelia Fedenisn case, and I can't think of any other case where someone would go to these great lengths to get our information."

    According to the KDFW report, the firm was the only suite burglarized in the high-rise office building and an unlocked office adjacent was left untouched.

    The State Department, which has repeatedly disputed Fedenisn's allegations, denied any involvement in the incident. "Any allegation that the Department of State authorized someone to break into Mr. Schulman's law firm is false and baseless," spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. [...] - Continued at Foreign Policy. Hat tip Julio.

    State Department memo reveals possible cover-ups, halted investigations
    CBS News

    (CBS News) CBS News has uncovered documents that show the State Department may have covered up allegations of illegal and inappropriate behavior within their ranks.

    The Diplomatic Security Service, or the DSS, is the State Department's security force, charged with protecting the secretary of state and U.S. ambassadors overseas and with investigating any cases of misconduct on the part of the 70,000 State Department employees worldwide.

    CBS News' John Miller reports that according to an internal State Department Inspector General's memo, several recent investigations were influenced, manipulated, or simply called off. The memo obtained by CBS News cited eight specific examples. Among them: allegations that a State Department security official in Beirut "engaged in sexual assaults" on foreign nationals hired as embassy guards and the charge and that members of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's security detail "engaged prostitutes while on official trips in foreign countries" -- a problem the report says was "endemic."

    The memo also reveals details about an "underground drug ring" was operating near the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and supplied State Department security contractors with drugs. [...] - Continued at CBS News. Hat tip Julio.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Update: Burglarized Whistleblower Lawyer; Burglars Could Be Obama Fanatic; Hillary Loyalist

    Birther Report



    Update: Burglarized Whistleblower Lawyer; Hints Support Within State Department May Have Been Involved

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

