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Congress to probe lethal SEAL crash -- The Hill, Bob Cusack

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  • Congress to probe lethal SEAL crash -- The Hill, Bob Cusack

    Congress to probe lethal SEAL crash

    The Hill

    Bob Cusack

    Excerpt: - 07/24/13 05:00 AM ET

    Congress has launched an investigation of the helicopter crash that killed 30 Americans in Afghanistan, including members of the Navy’s elite SEAL Team 6 unit, The Hill has learned. [WATCH VIDEO]

    The victims’ families say the Pentagon hasn’t provided answers to their many questions about the deadly attack, which took place on Aug. 6, 2011, three months after Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan by Team 6 forces.

    Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee on National Security, told The Hill, “We’re going to dive into this.”

    Chaffetz said he met with the victims’ families about a month ago in what he described as an “emotional” gathering. He is poised to send questions to the Pentagon and may hold hearings on the matter.

    Charlie Strange, whose son Michael was among those killed, said he asked President Obama two years ago at Dover Air Force Base to fully investigate. The death toll in the crash was the largest of any single incident for the U.S. military during the Afghanistan war.

    Obama praised Michael’s service to Strange, who responded, “I don’t need to know about my son. I need to know what happened to my son.”

    The president promised he would investigate, Strange said, but he never heard back from the White House. The Pentagon, meanwhile, has provided him and others with incomplete and contradictory information, he said.

    Administration leaks that emerged after the bin Laden raid prompted members of Team 6 to worry about their safety.

    For example, Michael Strange told his father he was working on a will before he returned to Afghanistan in the summer of 2011, his father said.

    Documents provided to the families indicate that the Pentagon doesn’t believe the SEALs were targeted in the wake of the bin Laden operation on May 1, 2011.

    The Hill reviewed many of those documents which total more than 1,000 pages.

    In a transcript, a Department of Defense official disputed claims that there was an “established ambush.” The official states, “it was a lucky shot of a low-level fighter that happened to be living [in the area]. He heard all the activity and he happened to be in the right spot.”

    Yet, Strange says insurgents were boasting on the Internet they had taken out Team 6 shortly after the helicopter crashed.

    Shortly before the CH-47 Chinook helicopter took off on a rescue mission (operation Extortion 17), seven Afghan commandos who were on the passenger list were replaced by other Afghan military officials.

    It remains unclear why the manifest was incorrect, raising red flags among the victims’ families. They have noted that their sons didn’t trust Afghan soldiers. One was quoted as saying, “They are loyal to the highest bidder.”

    In the transcript related to the Pentagon’s probe, a Defense official confirmed that all seven names of the Afghan soldiers were incorrect.

    The official said, “I cannot talk to the back story of why…” before being interrupted by another Department of Defense employee.

    The Chinook was shot down by Afghan militants, and all 38 on board perished. Among the dead were 30 Americans, including 22 Navy SEALS, seven Afghan soldiers and one Afghan translator. Their bodies were later recovered, but the helicopter’s black box was not. Pentagon officials have said that it could not be recovered, citing a flash flood that happened soon after the assault.

    All the bodies were cremated. The Pentagon has defended the cremation to the soldiers’ families, saying the bodies were badly burned.

    Chaffetz, however, said he has seen a photo of a deceased SEAL that was not.

    “The body I saw didn’t need to be cremated,” Chaffetz said, adding that the Department of Defense’s explanation of its failure to find the helicopter’s black box seems “awfully odd.”

    The Utah congressman said the families deserve answers: “That’s why you do an investigation. I want to be as factual as I can.”


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Congress to probe lethal SEAL crash', which was started 7/24/2013 by 'kimtom'

    The thread references a 7/24/2013 article in The Hill written by Bob Cusack -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    To: kimtom

    Obama isn’t worthy to lick the boots of any one of those guys. American voters should be charged for their deaths. They should never have had a foreign enemy combatant acting as their Commander-in-Chief. It wasn’t just Obama who has pissed on their graves; the American voters did by putting these lives in the hands of a forger, perjurer, and fraudster owned and installed through the threats and murders by a communist-Islamist alliance. I am both livid and sick that all our attempts to prevent it have been ambushed by a lying, thieving, murderous media, courts, and Congress.

    The families of these men and all of our military people deserve answers - from this regime AND from Congress, the media, every eligibility judge, SCOTUS justices, law enforcement at local, state, and federal levels, bureaucrats in the Passport Office, IRS, Social Security Adminsitration, INS, Selective SErvice, FBI, CIA, Hawaii Department of HEalth, and Hawaii AG’s office, as well as every stinkin’ voter who voted for the SOB - including the guy who testified before Congress on Benghazi. These families deserve to know exactly what happened and exactly why it happened. Any one of these families should have automatic standing to get legal answers as to how a foreign enemy combatant was allowed to ACT as Commander-in-Chief even though he has never qualified to do so, in direct violation of the 20th Amendment.

    Everybody who poo-poohed this issue needs to look long and hard at the photos of these men and try to say with a straight face that it doesn’t matter whether the Commander-in-Chief is a foreign enemy combatant, and that the battle over requiring proof of Presidential eligibility was just a silly distraction.

    These men are just the first-fruits of the innocent patriots who will be sacrificed on the altar of the Alinsky “god”, to appease the political beast. Take a good hard look. The communist-Islamist coup that took over America in 2008 was not a victimless crime.

    11 posted on Wednesday, July 24, 2013 9:04:32 AM by butterdezillion (,)

    To: kimtom

    I always wondered what idiot decided to send 30+ Special Opns. warriors into a hot LZ on a slow moving target like a Chinook. I told my son who is an SF Major that the Commander who made that decision should be relieved. Even in Vietnam, we learned that when you go into a hot LZ you use multiple fast moving aircraft (In that case UH-1’s). I am glad to see that someone is investigating this and I can’t understand why the services didn’t dig into it deeper at the time.

    12 posted on Wednesday, July 24, 2013 9:04:51 AM by Old Retired Army Guy

    To: Old Retired Army Guy

    The military has been covering for Obama all along. If he doesn’t want something investigated it won’t be investigated. Lt Col Terry Lakin found that out the hard way. The doctrine of “do whatever you’re told unless it’s to directly murder” has been promulgated all over the place, and it shouldn’t surprise anybody if we get a military that serves as the hit squad at the bidding of a foreign enemy combatant CINC. That’s what we’ve told the military is their JOB, and they will be court-martialed if they keep their oaths to protect and defend the US Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic.

    Obama doesn’t want this investigated because this planned attack on SEAL Team 6 was his way to appease his Islamofasict overlords, after he had to announce that Bin Laden had been killed, as a distraction from the now-certified birth certificate forgery that people were beginning to document at the time of the Bin Laden raid.

    And Obama has personally gone even farther than that, in allowing the terrorists to avenge Bin Laden’s death. Michelle Obama personally visited Bin Laden’s son in the hospital after he was caught at the finish line acting suspiciously at the Boston marathon bombing. AND they allowed Bin Laden’s son to attend a 4th of July celebration for military personnel at the White House.

    The media knows this darn good and well, because intel sources provided documentation to Glenn Beck as well as to 10 Congress members, and Beck forwarded that information to the major media sources. Reporters wrote stories about it but editors would not allow the stories to be published. The incestuous relationship between the Obama regime and the media heads has been noted elsewhere.

    Those media folks who aren’t already in bed with the regime were originally threatened in October of 2008 over the eligibility issue (as documented in a signed statement to Doug Hagmann) and have since been spied on (the Fox reporter), had their computer hacked (Attkisson), or been killed (Breitbart, Hastings) under suspicious circumstances in LA which were then covered up by the coroner’s office in which a tech was poisoned by arsenic in a case which the LAPD willfully lied to cover up and refused to investigate in spite of the perp being easily trackable.

    All this stuff needs to be investigated by Congress. Every stinkin’ dot in its own right needs to be investigated, and when you put all those dots side by side a clear image emerges - the murder of this nation while the entire system looked on and ignored the screams of those who saw it happening before their very eyes.

    18 posted on Wednesday, July 24, 2013 9:41:53 AM by butterdezillion (,)

    To: Old Retired Army Guy

    "..The fault lies with the Counter-Insurgency (COIN) doctrine, which both Bush and Obama have clung to despite massive evidence of its failure. The U.S. government is more concerned with appeasing Muslims both in America and in Muslim countries than in defending Americans against the global jihad. Obama even refuses to name the enemy. Meanwhile, his disastrous Rules of Engagement place our troops -- like Aaron Vaughn -- in unnecessary danger, and have cost countless American lives. When Extortion 17 was fired on, it wasn't allowed to fire back -- because of the Rules of Engagement. Our troops in Afghanistan are so restricted in ways that they're not even allowed to fire on the enemy without permission -- which means that the Taliban and al Qaeda can shoot at our soldiers at will and then disappear while our forces are trying to get permission to return fire. And that isn't even the worst of all. The COIN doctrine forbids us to try to vet Afghans who want to work with the military. The result has been massive infiltration and an ever-growing number of green-on-blue attacks by our supposed "allies" against the American troops who are risking their lives to train them. And the green-on-blue attacks are only one aspect of the infiltration. The Taliban always seem to know what operations our troops are going to undertake...."

    19 posted on Wednesday, July 24, 2013 9:52:28 AM by kimtom (USA ; Freedom is not Free)
    Last edited by bsteadman; 07-24-2013, 02:20 PM.
    B. Steadman

