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Snowden journalist threatens UK after partner’s arrest -- Financial Tiimes

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  • Snowden journalist threatens UK after partner’s arrest -- Financial Tiimes

    Snowden journalist threatens UK after partner’s arrest

    Financial Times

    Hannah Kuchler, Helen Warrell and agencies


    The reporter who revealed mass surveillance by the US authorities warned the British government on Monday that he would expose its spying secrets after it detained his partner under the Terrorism act.

    Glenn Greenwald, the journalist who interviewed Edward Snowden and revealed the US National Security Agency’s mass monitoring of phone and internet use, said the UK would be “sorry” for the detention.

    Speaking from Brazil, where he met David Miranda, his partner, off a plane from London, he said the incident would only make his reporting more aggressive.

    “I am going to publish many more documents. I am going to publish things on England too. I have many documents on England’s spy system. I think they will be sorry for what they did,” he told the Brazilian press.

    Mr Miranda said he was quizzed about his “entire life” while detained for nine hours at London’s Heathrow airport on Sunday and had his mobile, laptop and other electronic equipment confiscated.


    View the complete article at[/U]:
    B. Steadman