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SS administration is due to release on 9/16/2013 SS application of Harry Bounel

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  • SS administration is due to release on 9/16/2013 SS application of Harry Bounel

    Press release, Social Security administration is due to release on Monday Social Security number application for SSN 042-68-xxxx of Harry Bounel which Obama is fraudulently using

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

    Orly Taitz, Esq.


    Law Offices of Orly Taitz

    For 5 years now Attorney Orly Taitz has pursued the issue of Obama ‘s use of fabricated IDs. the most damning evidence against Obama is his use of Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-xxxx , which failed E-Verify and SSNVS and which was traced to Harry Bounel, born in 1890.

    Currently there are 7 challenges to Obama brought by Attorney Taitz, two of them are cases specifically dealing with this issue. The cases are slightly different. The latest motion before Judge Lamberth in DC is based on Obama’s failed E-Verify and his number, which was traced to Bounel. The second case, which was filed in MD, where SSN administration is located, is filed based on Bounel’s name and the same Social Security number and the fact that the regime wrongfully denied access to his application, claiming privacy, even though he was born over 120 years ago and privacy no longer applies based on 120 year rule.

    Taitz filed a motion for summary judgment. Rod Rosenstein, US attorney for MD, asked presiding judge, Ellen L. Hollander, for more time to respond to a 2 page motion, claiming that 2 weeks were not enough. She granted the request the same day, before the plaintiff could even see the motion to extend time. Shortly thereafter the war or possible war with Syria broke. Now there is a peace agreement, no further distractions, the response id due on Monday and regime ran out of excuses.

    Yesterday the regime sent a trial balloon. It published in a couple of blogs (at least one of these blogs is believed to be controlled by the regime) something to the extent that maybe by a typographical error the information of Bounel and Obama got crossed in one database. They were quoting a researcher Susan Daniels stating that the information about Bounel found by Albert Hendershott was a one time thing found by one researcher, one error in one database. A number of people, who might be connected to the regime as well, sent Taitz this article to make sure Taitz saw the trial balloon to ascertain if this latest story would fly.

    The answer, it will not fly.

    Incidently, researcher Albert Hendershot was visited by the BI. When he refused to cooperate, he was tackled, thrown on the ground and handcuffed. At that time he was asked for password for his computers. His computers were taken and in fear of being thrown to jail he gave the password. Hendershott published an article about his experience and published the receipts given to him by the FBI for his computers. This matter was not litigated yet.

    Further on, Attorney Taitz did not submit to court Hendershott’s findings until she had confirmation. Originally, when Taitz talked to investigator Susan Daniels, the investigator said that she could not find Bounel’s information and Taitz did not submit Hendershott’s findings to several courts, including administrative court in GA, where Daniels testified for Taitz. Later, in a phone conversation Daniels confirmed to Taitz that she found Bounel ‘s information as well. Only when Taitz had this confirmation from a second source, from Daniels, did she submit it to court. Daniels and Hendershott used different databases. Only after Daniels confirmed to Taitz that she found Bounel’s infomation, Taitz contacted Hendershet and related to him that his findings were confirmed by Daniels and he wrote a second article about it.

    If need be, Taitz will provide proof of all of the above.

    At this point Obama is cornered. He is using a stolen Social Security number and proven computer generated forgeries instead of valid IDs.


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Update: Social Security Administration Addresses Obama's CT Social Security Number

    Birther Report



    Press release: A total nonsense response submitted by 2 attorneys from the Department of Justice and SSN
    Dr. Orly Taitz

    Department of Justice and SSA provided a total nonsense response to my motion for Summary Judgment

    They are not denying that Social Security number 042-68-xxxx was assigned to Bounel. They de facto admit it. If this number was not assigned to Bounel and he was born 123 years ago, they had to simply provide his SS-5 application, it would have shown a different number and it would be the end of it. If it will show that the number is indeed 042-68-xxxx, then Obama and all of his accomplices go to prison. Instead, they are violating their own 120 year rule and refusing to produce Bounel’s SS-5 because they admit that someone else is using this number today. Since Obama posted this number with his tax returns, we know that he is using it, so we know that he is using a stolen a number. Because Obama is using Bounel’s stolen number today, they refuse to release Bounel’s SS-5 application.

    In my opinion this is pure and simple fraud and treason committed by the acting Commissioner of SSA Carolyn Colvin, her SSA attorney and US Attorneys. They are de facto admitting to being complicit in the cover up. Attorney Taitz is supposed to reply within 1 week. She will be compiling a list of cases, where people were prosecuted for using stolen Social Security number. If any of the supporters are aware of any such cases, please provide the information.

    This whole situation would be akin to someone stealing your house, squatting in your house by using a fabricated deed and paying off a corrupt city clerk to keep your original deed sealed . You demand from the city hall a copy of the original deed to the house to prove to the court that this is your house. The city clerk responds by saying that he cannot release the original deed in your name because the thief is using your house now. This is a complete idiocy. [.] Dr. Orly Taitz.

    Excerpts via Social Security Administration's Opposition:

    Plaintiff also asserts in her Opposition that the “[SSN] of Mr. Bounel was fraudulently used by ahigh ranking official.” Plaintiff has made multiple FOIA requests to SSA and initiated previous lawsuits for information about the SSN she asserts belongs to Mr. Bounel. SSA has consistently withheld information about this SSN under FOIA exemption 6, and the United States District Court for the District of Columbia has recently upheld such withholding. Though Plaintiff’s April 26, 2013 FOIA request seeks information about Mr. Bounel, her appeal makes clear that Plaintiff’s request is yet another attempt to obtain SSA records about this SSN, which belongs to a living individual.Consequently, the Privacy Act and FOIA exemption 6 protect information about this SSN. [...]

    Plaintiff has made multiple FOIA requests to SSA and initiated previous lawsuits for information about the SSN she asserts belongs to Mr. Bounel. See Taitz v. Astrue, 806 F.Supp.2d 214,217 (D.D.C. 2011),aff’d, No. 11-5304, 2012 U.S. App. LEXIS 10713 (D.C. Cir. May 25, 2012) (SSA properly withheld a Form SS-5 under FOIA Exemption 6 because disclosure of the form, which the requestor contended was for a number being fraudulently used by President Barack Obama, would implicate a substantial privacy interest while serving no public interest cognizable under FOIA.);Taitz v.Obama, 707 F.Supp.2d 1 (D.D.C. 2010), recons. denied, 754 F.Supp.2d 57 (D.D.C. 2010). SSA has consistently withheld information about this SSN under FOIA exemption 6, and the United States District Court for the District of Columbia has upheld such withholding.

    Further, while SSA generally cannot confirm or deny the validity of an SSN, SSA has previously advised Plaintiff that SSA cannot disclose information about the SSN she asserts belongs to Mr. Bounel because the individual who holds the SSN is living.



    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    Last edited by bsteadman; 09-17-2013, 01:57 PM.
    B. Steadman

