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Two conversations with two insiders: “Expect the unexpected” -- Canada Free Press

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  • Two conversations with two insiders: “Expect the unexpected” -- Canada Free Press

    Two conversations with two insiders: “Expect the unexpected”

    Canada Free Press

    Doug Hagmann


    America is a captured operation, captured from within. Time is too short to mince words or to fear the ridiculous accusations of “doom porn,” made either by the factually challenged or some paid, professional government trolls (see DHS Insider article by this author, later verified in the media) describing what you are about to read.

    Within the last 24 hours, I had two separate conversations with two different sources, each saying nearly the same thing: Expect the unexpected. Wake up. Understand that everything we’re being told is a lie. We are at the epicenter of a ‘perfect storm.’

    The opening words coming from my source inside the intelligence community tell much. “These people [the Obama regime and his handlers] are ‘pissed.’ They did not get what they wanted with Syria because we put them behind schedule by exposing Benghazi. The ‘alternative media’ put them behind, but that doesn’t mean they’ve given up. Far from it. What it means is that they have the same objective, but are switching plans.”

    To be clear, I asked about their end-game objective.

    “The takedown of America as a viable global power, economically and militarily. They are counting on people’s attention being diverted to political theater, which is exactly what’s happening right now with the budget showdown. But no one is looking beyond the stage act and if they are, very few are understanding what they are seeing. They are thinking too small and are still clinging to the right-left paradigm of political theater,” he stated.

    The objective is to create a new global economic and power structure by removing the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency. By making the U.S. subservient to a global power structure. Why isn’t anyone in the media talking about this? Because they are complicit. Why aren’t the majority of those in the ‘alternative media’ talking about this? Because they are not looking at the bigger picture. The lie is bigger than they realize.”

    At this point, I informed my intelligence source about my conversation hours before with a financial insider who uses the internet pen-name “V, The Guerrilla Economist.” This financial insider has a near perfect record of accurate financial predictions as documented by his multiple disclosures on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, from the Bank of Japan through, most recently, Deutsche Bank. In addition to being a regular guest on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, he recently founded the website Rogue Money and appeared on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory last week. He was emphatic about the current liquidity crisis in the U.S. “We’re broke, bankrupt, and not by accident, but by design.” he stated. “While some 18,000-plus Yankee fans who incredibly stood in line for hours last week to stake their claim to some cheap and meaningless plastic bobble-head of a retiring sports figure, their country and their pensions and retirement accounts are about to be looted. Sadly, this is the prevailing mentality that is allowing the power brokers and the complicit media to do what they will. But it’s even bigger. A perfect military, economic and political storm is brewing.”

    “What people must realize is that China and Russia are acutely aware of our economic and military vulnerabilities, and are exploiting those vulnerabilities. China has positioned their economy for domination, world domination. Additionally, they have increased their military power to surpass that of the U.S.,” he added

    “Currently, the Russians are teaming up with the Chinese and conducting war exercises. Remember that in 2008, a war simulation conducted using U.S. Joint Strike Force F-35 fighters against the Russian Su-35 heavy fighters, it was clear that the clear victors were the Russians. The U.S. JSF f-35s were ‘clubbed like baby seals.’ Don’t think for a minute that the Chinese and the Russians aren’t positioning themselves to dominate the U.S. militarily. In light of the U.S. involvement against Syria and Russia’s pushback, this is very significant,” stated this financial insider. Concurrent with the information I received from my intelligence insider, “V” added that the time clock for the U.S. dollar as holding the position of the world’s reserve currency is a ticking time bomb.

    “Thanks to the policies of the Federal Reserve and this regime of economic psychopaths, the U.S. is in very deep financial trouble. Yet, you have politicians and talking heads on the news telling everyone that everything is okay. It’s far from okay, and we’ll be experiencing the same that is happening in Europe, with bank runs and bank holidays, in addition to the looting of our pensions and retirement accounts. It’s just a matter of when, not if.” He also added that it is obvious that the plan is a single global currency, a one world economy. And with that comes a one world power structure to oversee this new world financial order.

    “One more thing,” added this financial insider. “Domestically, watch more municipalities go belly up across the U.S., like Detroit. Do you know which city is right behind Detroit in terms of teetering on bankruptcy,” he asked me. “New York City. That’s right, New York City is right behind Detroit” and headed for a financial apocalypse.

    Looking at the larger picture, we are at the precipice of an economic collapse that will make the Great Depression look like a holiday at “Club Med,” compliments of the elite membership within “Club Fed.” “Club Fed” is populated by both democrats and republicans, progressives and conservatives, those elected and others appointed, all rabidly pining for a new world economic order. It is an incestuous group of international and domestic families consumed and propelled by greed and power who have been at this for decades, even generations.

    As a result of their insatiable greed and lust for power and control, we are about to experience the pain of a world-wide crash and economic depression that will leave no one untouched. Moreover, it has been planned, awaiting the “perfect storm” to be formed. The last few isobars have been drawn on the map of devastation, and we are now in a short and deceptive calm before this storm hits us like a freight train.

    As I continued my discussion with my intelligence insider, I asked what we might expect next from Syria and the Russia-China pushback against U.S. and Saudi hegemony in the Middle East. “We can expect to get hit, the other shoe to drop, but perhaps not in the manner we expected. They, the powerbrokers, the international bankers, the globalists will implement their agenda by whatever means fits the conditions that exist at the time. We’ve been saying that World War III will start in Syria, but their plans are not always foolproof. I don’t think they counted on the ‘alternative media’ to be as effective in exposing the real deal behind Benghazi, which was a weapons running operation to Syria, to slow them down. But it did. Now, they are switching to plan B, C or even plan Q,” he stated.

    We’re in one of the most dangerous times in our history

    “We’re in one of the most dangerous times in our history. Think about this, and I mean really think about it. If we believe that the real power masters were behind some of the most historic, life-altering and bloodiest events in history, whether it’s Benghazi, the military overthrows of sovereign countries, or even elements of 9/11 and going back even further to the assassination of JFK, what are they capable of now? It’s the same groups, the same families, but different generations. Their objectives have not changed.”

    “Look at D-Day as a classic example of the art of deception in wartime. And make no mistake, we are at war being waged by the globalists. Based on elaborate deceptions that convinced Hitler that Patton would lead an attack at Calais, the real invasion happened at Normandy,” stated this intelligence insider. “They are using the same principals. They want to take us out from being politically, militarily and economically viable to implement their plans for a new global power structure. While we think the trigger event could happen in the Middle East, maybe it will happen in the U.S. instead. While we expected Syria to be the causative factor to usher in an economic collapse, perhaps the sequence of events have been changed,” he stated.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Monckton: Push 'reset' on dollar

    'One takes a deep breath and reboots the entire system'


    John Griffing


    Christopher Monckton of Brenchley – who advised Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, wrote for the Yorkshire Post, was managing editor of the Telegraph Sunday Magazine and is now a columnist for WND – long has warned that the West is on a terminal financial course, from which recovery eventually will not be possible.

    In a recent commentary, he wrote that it’s not a matter of “whether but when.”

    More than a year ago, he told WND that the financial collapse of the West was plausible based on its path at the time. He then adjusted the forecast from “plausible” and “likely” to “imminent.”

    Specifically, he believes President Obama’s financial policies of unprecedented borrowing and spending, trillion-dollar deficits and massive outlays for social engineering are an “existential threat.”

    “The gravy train has now tipped into the gulch. The cash for such criminal indulgences has run out. It is now time for governments everywhere to get a grip on the costs inflicted upon taxpayers by governmental employees at every level. Unless this is done, and very soon, the West will fail,” he said.

    Now he’s moved beyond.

    “Forget the dollar. It is finished. America needs a sound currency. The easy option would be to adopt the Canadian dollar, for hard-headed, common-sense Canada avoided the foofaraw of nonsensical credit-default swaps and dodgy derivatives that brought down the sillier banks,” he said in a recent interview.

    Monckton doesn’t stop with suggestions of Canadian monetary integration, however. He suggests a complete “reset” of the American financial system.

    “There is a more dirigiste solution, which I prefer much less than the free-market solution. … It is possible simply to cancel all public and private debt and tell everyone to start again. One takes a deep breath, presses the RESET button and reboots the entire system,” he said.

    “The Emperor Augustus did this in ancient Rome, and the result was 400 years of prosperity, notwithstanding the flashy and often spectacularly incompetent absolute tyrants who succeeded him,” he said. “Again, the more recent precedent is in postwar West Germany in 1948, when Mr. Erhardt, then the finance minister, waited until the occupying Allied commanders were away for a weekend’s shooting and called in the Reichsmark, replacing it with the Deutsche Mark. Everyone was given 50 new Deutsche Marks and told to get on with it.”

    Financial analysts are aghast at the idea, but Monckton dismisses such concerns, again reaching into history.

    “When Gen. Clay, the U.S. commander of the occupying forces, got back after his weekend and found out what had been done [in Germany], he called at the Finanzministerium and said, ‘Herr Erhardt, my advisers tell me you’re making a terrible mistake.’ Erhardt’s famous reply: ‘Don’t worry, general: mine tell me the same.’ Again, the rest is history. Germany, even after enduring the staggering cost of rebuilding East Germany upon the happy reunification of the nation, remains Europe’s economic powerhouse.”

    In addition to advancing currency reset as a serious option to save the American economy, Monckton also cautions average Americans that their government is not being honest about the implications of its lopsided financial relationship with China.

    As Monckton explains, America’s present position is that of foreclosure, and the bank is repossessing.

    “The mandarins of Peking know that there is a growing likelihood – make that a near-certainty – that any money they now lend to the United States will never be repaid. In the commercial world, when it becomes clear that a debtor may never be able to repay, the creditor demands a debenture by way of fixed and floating charge over the entire assets and undertaking of the debtor. Has Obama granted to China a debenture over the assets and undertaking of the United States?”

    The Chinese central bank already is taking action, forming bilateral currency swap arrangements with other trade partners, drastically reducing the number of dollars that will be used in global commerce.

    Russia also has been reducing its reserve holdings of dollars for some time and is publicly advocating, along with China, international control of the dollar’s value or that some international monetary unit be devised to replace the dollar.

    Total net American liabilities to the rest of the world now stand at more than $80 trillion. At the same time, the Net International Investment Position (NIIP) now stands at negative $2 trillion.

    WND has reported that China now owns significant public infrastructure in the contiguous United States and has requested public land and “special economic zones” free from U.S. labor controls as collateral on future loans.

    Gao Xiqing, head of the largest Chinese public owner of U.S. debt, had this to say in the wake of the 2008 financial collapse, echoing Monckton’s sentiments: “I have great admiration for the American people. Creative, hard-working, trusting, and freedom-loving. But you have to have someone tell you the truth. And then, start realizing it. And if you do it, just like what you did in the Second World War, then you’ll be great again. … But many people are betting on the other side.”

    Gao, president of China Investment Corp., recently told Atlantic Monthly: “Think about the way we’ve been living the past 30 years. Thirty years ago, the leverage of the investment banks was 4-to-1. …Today, it’s 30-to-1. …This is a change of fundamental thinking. People, especially Americans, started believing that they can live on other people’s money. … First, other people’s money in your own country. And then the savings rate comes down, and you start living on other people’s money from outside. …Okay, we’d love to support you guys – if it’s sustainable. But if it’s not, why should we be doing this?”

    Monckton ultimately believes that whatever the fate of the U.S. dollar, and whatever solution America adopts, the real problem is not economic or political but moral.

    “The crisis of the West is not primarily a financial crisis, or a crisis of democracy, though these crises are real and existential. It is, above all, a crisis of morality.”

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

