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White House Insider: President Obama Says F**k Israel -- The Ulsterman Report

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  • White House Insider: President Obama Says F**k Israel -- The Ulsterman Report

    WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: President Obama Says F**k Israel

    The Ulsterman Report



    The second part of our latest interview with a longtime D.C. political operative…

    "Insider (interrupts)

    Hold up. Let’s talk Fast and Furious. Let’s talk Solyndra…that ties in with -name deleted-. Might explain why they haven’t spoken to you recently. There’s a big shove comin’ on that. The old man is finally puttin’ some skin in the game. And about damn time. And as far as the California stuff…that make your chin hit the floor a bit, didn’t it? Imagine that. Take that money laundering…all those hundreds of millions in campaign dollars cycling through there…and now reward the players with a Supreme Court position and put them first in line to replace Eric Holder at Justice. Four more years – and none of it will get out. NONE of it. Ever. You noticed that then. Good on you. I’ll let you in on somethin’ I haven’t admitted before. -Name deleted- ain’t the only one following the comments to your stories. I’ve been known to sneak a peak or two myself…you got some smart folks making some real connections. Some of it closer to the real deal than they realize. Do me a favor and pay attention to some of that. Most of it…a lot of what’s left is bullsh-t…but you got some people…some of them got the right eyes for this stuff. -Name deleted- told you to slow down and notice what’s sometimes right in front of your face. You might wanna take them up on that advice son. I ain’t gonna be available to hold your hand through this – gonna be too busy now. This thing is on its way. You need to learn to do the work yourself and not wait for me to spoon feed it to you all the time.

    UM: (long pause) So let’s start with Fast and Furious.

    Insider: Sure – let’s do that…

    Fast and Furious is…it’s outta our hands. Been that way for a quite a spell. Information – communications…it was given over to them some time ago and promises were made. So…now we wait and watch like everybody else. Pieces have fallen into place you know…the memo I spoke of months ago…that came to pass, right? The gun control angle. There has been quite a bit of talk linking things back to Chicago…so there is quite a bit to be satisfied with on this whole thing.

    UM: If Holder stays in place – NO. All the work is for nothing.

    Insider: Be patient on this…let the work play itself out. Either the Republicans are being very weak or very smart…I’m prayin’ they are being smart…but we also gotta prepare for the possibility – we gotta plan for the fact they might drop the ball on this. It could happen. I’ve got nothing concrete to say that it WILL happen…but it could. You’re good to worry. You should be worried. We all should.

    UM: I read something that said Issa cut a deal with the administration on the investigation. That Holder will be left alone.

    Insider: I am not aware of any kind of deal – not like that. Was this a news report?

    UM: A blog report.

    Insider: Blog?

    UM: Yes…that Speaker Boehner was shutting the Congressional investigation down. That Issa was being told to back off.

    Insider: No…haven’t heard anything to confirm that. Not saying it’s wrong necessarily, but…we got people who would hear about that. I recall telling you something along the lines…this was over a year ago…how there were Obama people popping into Issa’s office periodically when this first started to unfold…but haven’ heard anything like that for a while now. In fact, information is being locked down, which usually signals something big is about to fall…so I remain optimistic at this point. Cautiously optimistic mind you – but still optimistic.

    Once we got to late summer – it appears they decided to push this out to 2012. Make it an election issue. I won’t fault them for that. That’s good politics. Tough politics. Smashmouth politics – that’s how I would have done it.

    UM: Are you assisting in those decisions? Coordinating with Republicans?

    Insider: Not in any kind of official capacity – no. Like I said – how this all plays out from here…outta my hands.

    UM: In an unofficial capacity?

    Insider: There are…(pause)…there are those of us of a like mind…we share a common goal that crosses party lines. Been that way for – well I know I’ve spoken to you about it already before. This ain’t no Democrat or Republican thing – it’s about the country. It’s about fixin’ a mistake.

    UM: President Obama being the mistake.

    Insider: That’s right.

    .................................................. .........

    UM: What about Daley’s departure? The signal to the party – to others that this administration is a lost cause?

    Insider: That’s happening. If you know what to look for – you see it happening. The signal was sent – the signal is being received.

    UM: You got an example of that?

    Insider: This is what I’m talkin’ about here – you gotta be able to pick this sh-t up yourself now…I ain’t gonna be around to point it all out for you as much…

    You got members of Congress raising concerns…you got coverage in the Times and the Post less than favorable…not all the time now -that won’t ever happen… but there’s a lot more criticism comin’ lately – the past few months…than you saw at any time before. The administration is runnin’ out of Kool-Aid. Keep an eye on the gas prices issue…it’s gonna play out against this administration in a big way by summer. And it was no mistake on the pipeline…the administration’s…how they killed the pipeline. That was no accident…they thought it was their decision? No…it was a mistake…it was orchestrated against them. They played into our hands on that – BUT…the Republicans gotta capitalize on a gift like that. And they can’t do that when they are spending so much time rippin’ into one another. Grow the f-ck up already, right?


    UM: If you were to wager – place a bet on Barack Obama winning the election in 2012…what odds would you give him?

    Insider: Right now? The way these Republicans are messin’ around? Better than even at this point. Maybe 60%. Maybe a bit better than that.

    UM: That good?

    Insider: Look – they haven’t even started up the racism stuff. The class division stuff…you think they have? Not even close. Gonna be a whole lot more of that sh-t comin’ by summer. The Occupy crap – they are still working that out. How they wanna use that thing. Axelrod is…he had a meetup with some of that – some of them… a bit back. About a month ago – a few weeks ago. Yeah – keepin’ tabs on the mustache.
    .................................................. ..............

    This is what we got comin’ down the road right-quick now. Those gas prices are goin’ up. The Middle East…the administration has bungled that up so badly – some in the media are gonna finally take ‘em to task for that. BUT…Jarrett thinks a little military conflict timed for the summer…might help their cause a bit. So watch for that – that can’t be a surprise to anyone whose paying any kind of attention. Lotsa folks been sayin’ that looks to be coming now. Except what I know is that you’re gonna see some Dems stand up and point some fingers right at Obama on that one – right at Obama…his administration. And some in the administration are gonna do the same. So that information isn’t out there yet – but you’re gettin’ it now. There’s a lot more infighting on this issue – the Middle East problem…Israel…than is being reported in the open.

    Oh! (snaps finger) Got a story for you on that!

    UM: What?

    Insider: The Israel situation – Iran…the nukes…

    There was a meetup with some Saudis on that issue – don’t know the specifics of that…just that it happened. Anyways…the administration’s people come back to Obama with the update. No…they don’t come back to Obama but it goes to State – gets passed on…makes its way to -name deleted-. Now -deleted- would be the one to inform the president – or Jarrett. Maybe Jarrett first who would determine if the president should be included or not.


    Insider: ...........

    Anyways…so it gets back to -Name Deleted- , right? The Saudi meeting – whatever was discussed – information…whatever. And -Name Deleted- sends a memo to the president. Like an update I suppose. That part ain’t important. Whatever the communication was.

    So it’s several days…maybe a week later. After the fact. After the memo was sent – and the president…he ain’t been around, right? Been on the road. Campaigning. Whatever. So he’s havin’ his morning briefing. Jarrett controls that agenda. She includes the -Name Deleted- thing. Now you need to understand here…the situation in the Middle East is very volatile at this point. Gettin’ worse every damn day. Horrible over there. State knows it. NSA – CIA – Pentagon…they are all on edge with this thing. But not so much the president. His focus is on November, 2012. It’s on the applause of the crowds. It’s on looking cool again, right? What I told you before about that – looking cool?

    So the Saudi info is put out there – tied in with the Middle East thing – the Israeli situation.

    Now here’s the president’s reaction. Here’s what he says – verbatim.

    “F—ing Israel. I don’t care anymore. They won’t listen – so f-ck them.”

    UM: Those are his exact words?

    Insider: Yes – exact words.

    UM: F-ck Israel?

    Insider: F-ck Israel."

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    B. Steadman