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Media Natters, Rubio's Mormonism, and Obama's "Muslim Faith"

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  • Media Natters, Rubio's Mormonism, and Obama's "Muslim Faith"

    Media Natters, Rubio’s Mormonism, and Obama’s “Muslim Faith”

    We The People Of The United States



    "Here’s an interesting story about Barack Hussein Obama II, the likes of which you’ve likely never read before:

    "In the compelling fictional personal narrative that has helped propel Illinois Senator Barack Hussein Obama II into the Oval Office, one chapter has gone completely untold: Obama spent much of his childhood as a faithful Muslim, singing the Shahada and memorizing the Koran.

    Obama was inducted into the Muslim faith when he was adopted by his mother’s second husband, Lolo Soetoro, made a citizen of Indonesia named Barry Soetoro, and registered in Indonesian public school as a Muslim student. He practiced Islam from ages 6 to 10, at least, although he may have remained active in the faith well into adulthood, when he joined the black nationalist Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago about 20 years ago, a church that accepted Muslims, although nominally a Christian church.

    Obama spokespersons refuse to confirm the story, inexplicably stating that Obama has “never been a Muslim.”

    The revelation adds a new dimension to Obama’s already-nuanced religious history—and could complicate his political future and his reelection prospects at a time when many Americans are taking a second look at the community organizer from Chicago.

    If Americans had known for certain that Obama was Muslim as a child, that he held Indonesian as well as British and Kenyan citizenships, and that he belonged to socialist and communist organizations and political parties, they may have refused to vote him into the presidency."

    That’s a story you will be hard pressed to find anywhere but here because it’s a parody, although absolutely true. You’ll never see any story like mine in the Obama-complicit, nattering media. Yesterday, Bridgette alerted us to a story at The Blaze that analyzed a story at a “social content” aggregator, which told us that, as a child, Senator Marco Rubio belonged for a time to the Mormon faith. What the self-described reporter, McKay Coppins, wrote was the template for my parody:

    "In the compelling personal narrative that has helped propel Florida Senator Marco Rubio to national political stardom, one chapter has gone completely untold: Rubio spent his childhood as a faithful Mormon.

    Rubio was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with his family at around the age of eight, and remained active in the faith for a number of years during his early youth, family members told BuzzFeed.

    Rubio spokesman Alex Conant confirmed the story to BuzzFeed, and said Rubio returned to the Catholic church a few years later with his family, receiving his first communion on Christmas day in 1984 at the age of 13.

    The revelation adds a new dimension to Rubio’s already-nuanced religious history—and could complicate his political future at a time when many Republicans see him as the odds-on favorite for the 2012 vice presidential nod. Vice presidential candidates are traditionally chosen to provide ethnic and religious balance to a ticket. Mitt Romney’s Mormonism and Rubio’s Catholic faith would already mean the first two members of minority traditions on a Republican ticket in American history. Rubio’s Mormon roots could further complicate that calculation."

    Do you see any hesitation there to analyze Rubio’s religion? Any hesitation to criticize this Hispanic man or to question his faith? Any fear of looking anti-Mormon, anti-Christian, anti-Catholic, anti-Latino, anti-person of color?

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    B. Steadman