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New revelations about mom killed by Capitol cops -- WND, Garth Kant

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  • New revelations about mom killed by Capitol cops -- WND, Garth Kant

    New revelations about mom killed by Capitol cops

    Autopsy reveals stunning details in shooting that rocked Washington


    Garth Kant


    WASHINGTON — First they called her a terrorist threat.

    When she turned out to be an unarmed suburban mother, they said she was on drugs.

    Now, WND has exclusively learned, without a trace of doubt, that was wrong, too.

    WND can also now report Miriam Carey was shot in the back of the head by U.S. Capitol Police officers and uniformed Secret Service agents six months ago, on Oct. 3, 2013.

    The official police investigation still has not been released. But Carey family attorney Eric Sanders obtained the toxicology and autopsy report on this macabre anniversary.

    The report showed there were no drugs in Carey’s system, prescription or otherwise, when she was shot dead.

    The report was prepared by Dr. Nikki Mourtzinos of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for the District of Columbia.

    After the terror threat was discarded, the media had tried to portray Carey as mentally unbalanced, citing prescription medications she was reportedly taking.

    Sanders spoke to WND at the Garfield traffic circle, on the edge of the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol, which is where the Carey family believes Miriam was fatally wounded before driving a few blocks farther.

    And Sanders believes the autopsy report provided the evidence proving that theory, because it showed that Carey was severely wounded in the back of the head. Sanders suspects that was the fatal shot, but adrenaline allowed Carey to drive to Maryland Ave. and Second St., where her car crashed at a Capitol Police guard shack.

    The report said Carey was shot numerous times but did not specify exactly how many.

    When Miriam’s sister, Valarie Carey, learned that her sister was shot and killed from the back, the former New York Police Department sergeant was too distraught to speak with WND on camera.

    The video ... shows officers fired at least seven shots at Carey in a crowded public space after they inexplicably failed to block her car at the traffic circle.

    Sander’s told WND what he believed happened ....

    Columnist Mark Steyn memorably remarked, “Ms. Carey does not appear to be guilty of any act other than a panic attack,” and, “We are told Ms. Carey was ‘mentally ill,’ although she had no medications in her vehicle and those at her home back in Connecticut are sufficiently routine as to put millions of other Americans in the category of legitimate target.”

    But now, it is a certified fact that Carey did not even have prescription drugs in her system when she was shot to death.

    Even before that confirmation, it became clear months ago that there was no good explanation for why Carey was shot, and the story disappeared entirely off the mainstream media radar.

    In fact, no media other than WND showed up Thursday to a press conference Sanders announced. The event marked six months since the bizarre and deadly chain of events that were set in motion after Carey strapped her baby girl into the back seat of her black Nissan Infiniti in Stamford, Conn., and drove 270 miles to Washington, D.C.

    Upon arriving, she apparently made a wrong turn into a White House entrance, tried to leave, was chased by heavily armed officers and ultimately shot dead by police in the shadow of the Capitol.

    Why she was killed is a mystery to this day because, according to the initial police report, she never crashed a security gate or a barrier, though media reports claimed she had.

    She simply tried to make a U-turn and leave.

    Yet, uniformed Secret Service agents and U.S. Capitol Police officers tried to stop her, then hunted her down and shot her to death.


    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman