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Smoking gun' in Breitbart mystery video -- WND, Joe Kovacs

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  • Smoking gun' in Breitbart mystery video -- WND, Joe Kovacs

    Smoking gun' in Breitbart mystery video

    Major cover-up alleged in 2008 presidential campaign


    Joe Kovacs


    "Video footage of President Obama during his college years at Harvard University was intentionally suppressed by news media and academia during the 2008 presidential campaign in order to hide Obama’s connections with radical leftists, according to the editors of, the website of late conservative activist Andrew Breitbart.

    Tapes of Obama at Harvard in 1991 have now been posted online and aired on the Fox News Channel, and they show then-student Obama speaking warmly on behalf of a leftist professor, Derrick Bell.

    “Open up your hearts and your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell,” Obama says during his speech before hugging him.

    The embrace between the pair had been edited out of a video that was released earlier in the day by Buzzfeed. (Video of the embrace can be seen here.)

    “This is just the beginning. And this video is a smoking gun showing that Barack Obama not only associated with radicals, he was their advocate,” said Breitbart editor Ben Shapiro.

    Referring to Professor Bell, Shapiro explained, “This is a close associate of [controversial Obama Rev.] Jeremiah Wright, a man who was quoted by Jeremiah Wright regularly. This is a man who posited that the civil rights movement was too moderate because it accepted the status quo, and believed that the entire legal and constitutional system had to be transformed in radical fashion. This is a man so extreme that, as we’ve reported, he wrote a story in 1993 in which he posited that white Americans would sell black Americans into slavery to aliens to relieve the national debt, and that Jews would go along with it.”

    Shapiro says the original video “was spliced and diced by the media to avoid showing just how close Obama was to Bell. More than that, a close associate of the Obama campaign, Harvard Law School’s Professor Charles Ogletree, admitted on our exclusive tape, ‘We hid this throughout the 2008 campaign. I don’t care if they find it now."

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    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman