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GUNWALKER: Waiting for Boner. Tea Parties Take on the Three Stooges

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  • GUNWALKER: Waiting for Boner. Tea Parties Take on the Three Stooges

    Waiting for Boner. Tea Parties Take on the Three Stooges Over Failure to Aggressively Investigate the Gunwalker Scandal.

    Sipsey Street Irregulars
    Mike Vanderboegh


    Waiting for Boner.

    "Vladimir: "So, when is it coming?"

    Estragon: "When is what coming?"

    Vladimir: "I dunno, the OIG report, Holder's impeachment, the next Issa hearing, all of the above. When is somebody going to get off their ass about Gunwalker?"

    Estragon: "So, you haven't heard?"

    Vladimir: "Heard what?"

    Estragon: "It's all in the hands of the Three Stooges."

    Vladimir: "The Three Stooges? You mean Larry, Moe and Curly?"

    Estragon: "No, dummy, Boner, Can't-or and Charlie McCarthy."

    Vladimire: "Charlie McCarthy? I thought he was a ventriloquist's dummy."

    Estragon: "He is, only this time he's also a congressman from California."

    Vladimir: "I don't get it. You're saying that the GOP leadership doesn't want to get to the bottom of the Gunwalker Conspiracy?"

    Estragon: "That's exactly what I'm saying. You don't read much Sipsey Street, do you?"

    Vladimir: "But why?"

    Estragon: "Blowjobs, probably."

    Vladimir: "Blowjobs?"

    Estragon: "Yeah either blowjobs they want or blowjobs they gave that somebody found out about."

    Vladimir: "You mean the fate of the country is hanging on a blowjob?"

    Estragon: "You got it."

    Remember when I said that my sources told me that John Boehner and the GOP leadership had put the brakes on Issa's investigation of the Gunwalker Plot?

    Well, as time goes by with absolutely no forward movement, the people who called me names and doubted my sources are looking less credible and my sources are looking more credible. Just this morning I spoke with two folks close to the investigation who once again confirmed that it looked like some sort fix was in.

    And we're not the only ones: Tea Party groups pressure House GOP leaders to rev up Fast and Furious probe.

    Local Tea Party activists are pressing House Republican leaders to pursue their investigation into the Operation Fast and Furious gun-tracking effort more aggressively."
    .................................................. .............

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    Last edited by bsteadman; 03-12-2012, 08:50 PM.
    B. Steadman