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TREASON: Obama Leaks Israeli Strike Plan on Iran -- Conservative Byte

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  • TREASON: Obama Leaks Israeli Strike Plan on Iran -- Conservative Byte

    TREASON: Obama Leaks Israeli Strike Plan on Iran

    Conservative Byte



    "‘We’re watching what Iran does closely,’ one of the US sources, an intelligence officer engaged in assessing the ramifications of a prospective Israeli attack confirmed,’” according to the article. “But we’re now watching what Israel is doing in Azerbaijan. And we’re not happy about it.’” And this is just the latest in a series of high-profile stories – based, in most cases, on unnamed American sources – warning about a possible strike.

    According to the logic in the last piece, if Israel attacked, then Iran – which essentially developed its program in contravention of the Non-Proliferation Treaty it signed, and despite international inspectors – may choose not to let those inspectors back in and, as a result, have an easier time pursuing nuclear weapons.

    Now, that is an interesting bit of logic: Don’t attack, because if you do, Iran won’t let back in the inspectors who were so impotent in the first place that Tehran is now on the cusp of nuclear capability.

    And this constant drumbeat of Israel-must-not-take-action articles is not only in press reports. A report Wednesday by the Congressional Research Service – the US Congress’s nonpartisan “think tank” – said Iran could recover from a strike and rebuild its centrifuge workshops within six months, meaning that such a strike would be futile. It is “unclear what the ultimate effect of a strike would be on the likelihood of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons,” the report read.

    These reports and stories are not being made up out of whole cloth. Rather, they are fed by sources intent on sending a clear message: Do not attack.

    That a spate of these reports is coming out just a couple of weeks after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met Obama in the White House shows that despite the smiles and the talk then about understanding and hyper-close coordination, the US and Israel are not seeing eye-to-eye on the Iranian “military option” issue.

    The US wants Israel to wait, and what this constant drip of stories indicates is a sense in Washington that its efforts to convince Israel to do so are failing.

    As a result, some in Washington are using a more public route to get that message across and to try and tie Jerusalem’s hands."

    View the complete article, including embedded video interview with John Bolton, at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Iran's plan for a second Holocaust must be stopped


    John R. Bolton


    "Recent advances in Iran’s nuclear weapons program show that events are moving extraordinarily swiftly, as Tehran nears the end of its decades-long quest to possess a lethal WMD capability.

    One thing is certain: If Iran succeeds, the Middle East – and the world – will be far more dangerous and unstable, with substantially increased prospects for further nuclear proliferation. That is why we are facing difficult, risky, and uncertain decisions.

    Iran has pursued nuclear weapons since the Islamic Revolution of 1979 overthrew the shah, replacing the monarchy with an authoritarian, theocratic regime.

    Iran today is the world's central banker for internation*al terrorism. It funds and arms terrorist groups worldwide, including Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Shia terrorists in Iraq, and the Sunni Taliban and other radical in Afghanistan.

    In February, President Obama's Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified that Iran even had a "shotgun marriage, or marriage of convenience" with al* Qaida.

    Given Iran's global sponsorship of terrorism, a nuclear Iran could easily deliver nuclear weapons via ballistic missiles (which it has developed in cooperated with North Korea) and by providing them to terrorists for use around the world.

    Iran's objectives in seeking nuclear weapons are clear.

    First, Tehran prizes them as the ultimate trump card against Israel (the "little Satan" in the words of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of the 1979 Revolution) and the United States (the "great Satan"). President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for Israel to be "wiped off the map," and he has speculated about "a world without the United States" or Israel.

    Given these plainly stated intentions, if Iran were to achieve the capability to launch what former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called a "nuclear Holocaust," only the hopelessly naive would not see Iran as an existential threat to Israel, and as a grave terrorist menace to America. For the United States, Iran would not be a serious military risk, but it would constitute a classic example of an asymmetric threat, aimed at our innocent civilians rather than military targets.

    Second, nuclear weapons would give Iran a firm foundation for Middle East hegemony, and would make it a significant global power. In the centuries-old regional struggle between Persians, Arabs, and other ethnic groups, these weapons would dramatically shift the local balance of power. The threat posed by a nuclear Iran would permit it to dominate the small Arab monarchies across the Persian Gulf, increase its already significant presence, malign influence over Iraq, and challenge Saudi Arabia for dominance throughout the entire theater. Iran's reach would be not only political, but also economic, as its clout grew dramatically within OPEC, with potentially enormous consequences for the international price of petroleum and the West's economy.

    Third, nuclear weapons would provide Iran and its Shiite faith an enormous advantage in the struggle against Sunni Muslims for dominance within Islam. This battle is currently being fought out in Syria, where Iran's support for the Assad family dictatorship constitutes a proxy war against the Sunni majority. In Bahrain, a small island off Saudi Arabia's coast (and once a province of an earlier Iranian empire), the Sunni Arab king rules a population that is 70 percent Shiite. There, "democratic" reform could well bring a pro-Tehran regime to power."

    .................................................. ......

    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 03-31-2012, 03:19 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      'Israel planning strike on Iran from Azerbaijan’

      The Jerusalem Post

      Yaakov Katz


      'Foreign Policy' claims Azerbaijan granted Israel access to air bases along Iran’s northern border for potential use in strike.

      "Leaks regarding Israeli plans to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities continued Thursday, raising suspicion within the political and defense establishment that the Obama administration was intentionally trying to undermine potential military action.

      The first report appeared in Bloomberg and, citing a Congressional Research Service (CRS) report, said that Iran would be able to recover from a military strike against its centrifuge fabrication plants within six months.

      Quoting current and former US officials, the CRS analysts, who regularly prepare papers for Congress, claimed that the centrifuge workshops were widely dispersed and hidden throughout Iran.

      Due to the dispersion of the facilities, it is “unclear what the ultimate effect of a strike would be on the likelihood of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons,” the report claimed.

      The CRS researchers quoted former CIA director Michael Hayden as saying in January “that neither the US nor Israel knows the location of all key Iranian nuclear-related facilities.”

      In another report, Foreign Policy claimed that Azerbaijan had granted Israel access to air bases along Iran’s northern border for potential use in a military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities.

      “The Israelis have bought an airfield,” the report quoted an unnamed US official as saying, “and the airfield is called Azerbaijan.”

      View the complete article at:
      B. Steadman

