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Trump vs. Megyn Kelly, two out of three falls -- Tea Party Nation Blog, Jack Kemp

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  • Trump vs. Megyn Kelly, two out of three falls -- Tea Party Nation Blog, Jack Kemp

    Trump vs. Megyn Kelly, two out of three falls

    Tea Party Nation / Blog

    Jack Kemp


    Many conservatives are rightfully angry at Megyn Kelly's remarks towards Donald Trump. But the picture is more complex.

    Megyn Kelly did destroy her own credibility by chosing to first make a Presidential debate, during a time of national crises, the subject of an issue best suited to the gab fest known as The View tv show. But Trump, who is still ranting over Megan's remarks days after the debate, is damaging his own credibility as a statesman worthy of running this or any other country, He showed how thin skinned he can be. Specifically, America OnLine (gleefully but accurately) reports that:

    Trump largely dismissed Kelly's question at the debate, but on Friday he went directly after her.

    Before dawn, he had retweeted a post calling Kelly a "bimbo." The post was later deleted, but on Friday evening Trump called Kelly a "lightweight."

    "She's not very tough and not very sharp," Trump said during a phone interview on CNN. "I don't respect her as a journalist."

    Referring to Kelly's questions during the debate, Trump said, "There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever."

    Yes, blood coming out of her "whatever." That's bordering on vulgar and will lose Trump a number of female and male votes. Megyn Kelly may have been an instigator but Trump more than took the bait. Trump has trouble comprehending the difference between promoting a wrestling match for the WWE and running for President. Come to think of it, I don't think the WWE would attempt to get away with a remark like that "blood" remark.

    Trump may have cause to not respect Kelly as a journalist, but he also has shown he doesn't respect her as a human being. This will not play well in Peoria - or anywhere else in the country. In fact, the Democrats could write a successful fundraising letter based on Trump's remarks, particulary the "There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever."

    Someone running for President needs to be able to phrase their arguments somewhat more artfully than Trump has. In a world where Planned Parenthood has a real bloody War on Women, Trump's attemt to make his own mini War on one - or more - Women (AFTER the debate night) the bigger issue, makes the so-called Republican Trump an arguable hater of women - at the very least in the eyes of women.

    Megyn Kelly is an issue for tv show ratings (show business) but she is not the biggest national issue involving women that Trump could be talking about AFTER the night of the debate. Like Trump's cheap shot remark against not only McCain but ALL Prisoners of War, a remark made after McCain himself stupidly called Trump supporters "crazies," Trump once again throws away a golden opportunity to bring up a real national issue and turns his squabble with a detractor into an opportunity to make the center stage issue about he was personally was insulted because that is more important. Yes, it is more important if you are Donald Trump and accept a phone call from Bill Clinton, invite Hillary to your wedding, refuse to say you will support a GOP nominee other than oneself. As much as I think Trump has introduced some fire into this campaign, he is becoming at this point an arsonist - with himself still in the building. People lie to pollsters all the time. Trump now believes his early poll results. Let's see how much Trump will like his poll results in the GOP early and later primaries.

    UPDATE: Redstate's Erick Erickson, an ordained pastor, has just booted Trump out of his Red State Gathering this weekend.

    Here's a quote from Erickson:

    "I just don't want someone on stage who gets a hostile question from a lady and his first inclination is to imply it was hormonal. It just was wrong," Erickson wrote on the RedState website.


    View the complete article at:

    Excerpt from the post:
    Trump largely dismissed Kelly's question at the debate, but on Friday he went directly after her.

    Before dawn, he had retweeted a post calling Kelly a "bimbo." The post was later deleted, but on Friday evening Trump called Kelly a "lightweight."

    "She's not very tough and not very sharp," Trump said during a phone interview on CNN. "I don't respect her as a journalist."

    Referring to Kelly's questions during the debate, Trump said, "There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever."
    - (bold and underline emphasis added)*



    On ABC's "This Week" today, donald Trump reiterated his earlier clarification that by "wherever" he meant Kelly's nose. trump: "She asked me a very nasty question," he said. trump says to stephanopoulos on this weke abc "I have nothing against Megyn Kelly, but she asked me a very, very nasty question." Trump added what his campaign previously said in a statement, saying "only a deviant would think of what people said" regarding his comments about Kelly. "I was referring to nose, ears," he said. "They’re very common places."

    My comment:

    It makes me sad to realize how crass and crude many of our media personnel, PERHAPS IN THIS CASE even including presidential candidate Donald Trump, have become in recent years. (I just don't know for sure what a rightfully angry Donald Trump ORIGINALLY MEANT by use of the rather non-descriptive term - 'wherever'.)

    However, it makes me MUCH SADDER and also EXTREMELY ANGRY that our MSM, Congress and Courts have IGNORED FOR OVER 5 YEARS THAT WE HAVE HAD A VERY DANGEROUS, PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, FRAUD AND IMPOSTER serving two terms as president of the U.S.A. Anyone objecting to this intolerable situation has usually been either ignored, mocked or ridiculed. This is a VERY SERIOUS MATTER.

    Trump has courageously and effectively gone after Obama on many occasions.

    Tana Goertz, Trump's campaign co-chair in Iowa has stated: 'You know with Mr Trump, he believes that he responds to men and women with equal intensity so you know Megyn was attacking him at the debate and he just fired back. It’s fair game.' -
    (I think Trump treating men and women EQUALLY would be considered a COMPLEMENT by many people, especially women : Underline emphasis added)

    Megyn chose to act like a 'scatter-brained bimbo' on national television before an audience of 24 million viewers by publicly attempting to bring down Trump and dead-end his run for the presidency. She selfishly and enthusiastically did the job that was likely requested of her by the corporate executives of Fox News and the American Political Establishment -- I think she has earned the description of 'BIMBO'.

    Go Trump!
    Last edited by bsteadman; 08-09-2015, 04:26 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Rush: 'Orders from GOP donors to take out Trump'

    Talk-radio giant drops bomb: 'We all made a mistake'


    Garth Kant


    WASHINGTON – Who won the great debate?

    According to the mainstream media, the winner was … Fox News.

    According to Rush Limbaugh, the loser was … Fox News.

    At least, in the sense that the network may have blown its credibility with conservatives.

    And Limbaugh said he saw it coming.

    “Everybody should have known this was gonna happen,” he said. “This is presidential politics, and Republican candidates are where media people score their points. It’s where they build their careers. It’s where they establish their credentials.”

    The conservative talk-radio giant saw another motivation for the moderators’ attack-dog tactics.

    He said GOP bigwigs ordered Fox to take out Trump.

    What do YOU think? Was Fox News out to get Donald Trump? Sound off in today’s WND poll

    On Friday, Limbaugh began by telling listeners how, on the day of Thursday’s debate, he had learned “that big-time Republican donors had ordered to take out Donald Trump in the debate last night.”

    “We all made a mistake,” he explained. “We assumed that the orders went out to the candidates. But the candidates did not make one move toward taking Donald Trump out. The broadcast network did; the candidates didn’t.”

    Rush said it was clear that Fox News had it out for Trump when his colleagues refused to pile on, even when given multiple opportunities to bash the front-runner.

    “Not one of the remaining nine candidates joined Megyn Kelly in taking the shot at Trump. Not one. Yet we have been told that there were orders from Republican donors to take Trump out.”

    If, in addition to targeting Trump, Fox News was indeed looking to get some love and respect from the left and the establishment media with its relentless attacks on Republican candidates in the Thursday night’s debate, it’s mission was accomplished.

    The media and much of the rest of the left raved about the performance of Fox moderators Bret Baier, Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace.

    Washington Post: Columnist Richard Cohen declared, “The only winner I feel confident in naming is Fox News. Political analyst Chris Cillizza declared Fox a winner, calling the moderators “outstanding.” Aaron Blake praised Fox’s “tough” questions and chided conservatives for being mad at Fox, saying “they shouldn’t be.”

    New York Times: Op-ed columnist Frank Bruni gushed, “It was riveting. It was admirable. It compels me to write a cluster of words I never imagined writing: hooray for Fox News.” And, “This was an inquisition. On this night, the network that pampers Republicans provoked them instead. It was great television, and even better politics.”

    MSNBC: Andrea Mitchell tweeted, “So far the clear winners are Megyn Kelly, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace for their q’s.” Former MSNBC host Abby Huntsman tweeted that Kelly “is pretty darn bad a–.”

    CNN: Brian Stelter cited the “almost unanimously positive reviews” of Fox’s “tough debate questions” by both the media and liberal commentators.

    BuzzFeed: Editor in chief Ben Smith called Fox News chief Roger Ailes “clearly the winner of this. This is really good TV.”

    Glenn Greenwald: The liberal journalist tweeted: “Credit where due: these questions from the Fox moderators are almost all quite good.”

    Scripps News: Washington Bureau Chief Ellen Weiss gave “kudos” to Fox for “asking each candidate tough questions on their weak spots.”

    Foreign Policy Magazine: managing editor Yochi Dreazen said tough Fox questions left some candidates looking “shell-shocked.”

    American Public Media: Public radio host Kai Ryssdal wrote, “have to hand it to Fox News moderators for going after their guys.” He tweeted, “@msnbc anchors would not have been – and will not be – as tough on Dems as @FoxNews was on GOP tonight.”

    Fox: Even the host network declared itself the winner, with patriarch Rupert Murdoch tweeting, “What a fantastic night for USA, democracy, freedom and incidentally Fox News.”

    Fox’s focus on itself as the key player in the debates may have been evidenced by the fact that the moderators dominated the on-air time, speaking for 31.7 percent of the two-hour event.

    That was far more time than any one candidate received. The average was approximately seven minutes per candidate. Trump, under constant fire from Fox moderators, got the most time at almost 11 minutes.

    Why the Fox fixation on itself?

    Jeremy Peters of the New York Times offered the theory that Fox saw it as a chance to gain respect and recognition from its leftist peers in the media, although he put it in terms that sympathized with that ambition

    “For the journalists of Fox News, the debate offered a potentially defining moment in front of millions of people, during one of the most anticipated political events of the year,” he wrote.

    “This was an opportunity to demonstrate that their network is not, as its critics have charged, a blindly loyal propaganda division of the Republican Party, that Fox journalists can be as unsparing toward conservatives as they are with liberals, and that they can eviscerate with equal opportunity if they choose.”

    But many conservatives were livid with Fox over the moderators’ incessant attacks on the 10 GOP presidential candidates.

    A caller on Friday told Limbaugh, “I thought I was watching MSNBC. The moderators methodically torpedo each candidate, with Donald Trump being the biggest target.

    “And the worst was Megyn Kelly, who you just referenced, who thinks she’s all that and just too cute, asked that ridiculous name-calling question and referenced the nonexistent war on women.”

    That’s when Limbaugh agreed, saying, “Everybody should have known this was gonna happen. This is presidential politics, and Republican candidates are where media people score their points. It’s where they build their careers. It’s where they establish their credentials.”

    In an article headlined, “Conservatives are mad at Fox News and Megyn Kelly. They shouldn’t be,” the Washington Post compiled a few tweets representing the conservative fury at Fox across the nation, writing, “This kind of stuff was all over social media Friday morning.”

    As for which candidate actually won the debate, reactions were all over the map.

    Opinion appeared evenly divided on whether Trump helped or hurt himself.

    But, according to the Drudge Report poll, as of early Friday evening, he was the landslide winner.

    The clear losers? GOP establishment favorites Bush and Christie.

    .................................................. ..................

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Fox News, newest Reality TV

      Canada Free Press

      Judi McLeod


      Like the government the fawning media of the day tries so hard to emulate, mainstream media has now given itself authority over the masses—including aspiring Republican presidential hopefuls—to which it has no right.

      Fox News, which came onto the media world as providers of “the fair and balanced” news, are now coming on just like Obama, having proved before 24 million viewers, it’s now going to be their way or the highway.

      Until We the People find a legal way to get around their destructive polices, they have to put up with Big Government in office.

      But the mainstream media known as America’s number one cable television network wasn’t voted in and can be sent packing by people merely changing the channel.

      Fox News has been crowing and gloating about their ratings ever since the dubious ‘debate’.

      The 24 million viewers who watched the debate means there’ll be no coming back for Fox News now in run-away ego mode.

      It should go without saying that Fox News and any other high-handed media outlet that takes it upon itself to change the game plan has no real authority over the people.

      If Fox News wants to upstage Republican presidential hopefuls, hogging most of the limelight on their first presentation to the voting public, then the hopefuls don’t have to offer themselves as future fodder.

      It almost seems that someone over at Fox News died, leaving dirt-digging Megyn Kelly as boss.

      But in stealing the show from the Republican presidential hopefuls, ‘Preen Queen’ Kelly and her colleagues are not much different than ‘I am Cait’ over on Reality TV. Caitlyn, really Bruce Jenner, decided to foist transitioning his gender on a television viewing public. That’s why Kelly and Company, who made Thursday night’s first GOP contenders debate all about them, foisting their new act as entertainers rather than moderators on the television viewing world, are in the same category as Bruce.

      With the novelty of ABC’s Diane Sawyer’s “exclusive” interview of him already wearing off, Jenner’s ratings nosedived on his second show. Viewers, who cut their teeth on the outrageous Jerry Springer Show, soon tired of a 65-year-old cross gender sporting “skin-tight” leather pants and other tacky Kardashian get-ups.

      Caityn, at least, is pure entertainment and not out there trying to turn news into entertainment.

      Donald Trump (love him or hate him, but bless him) is getting more publicity than either Caitlyn or Kelly because he is talking about the same issues as many with membership in John Q. Public are.

      The insults Rosie O’Donnell and The Donald hurled at each other, is only more important than America in decline to Megyn Kelly.

      Worse, the ‘He-Said-She-Said Battle Royale’ ongoing between Kelly and Trump proves that the gloating Fox News is taking its new “We smashed all records” ego run beyond the debate.

      Without ever intending it to happen, Trump is providing free publicity for other opportunistic news outlets, like Red State which has oh-so-publicly “disinvited” him from their weekend event.

      We have to, to a degree, put up with overbearing governments and their over the op agencies like EPA, but we do not have to put up with the mainstream media, which has no authority over the common man.

      We can force Fox News ‘entertainers’ to play to an empty theatre and get back to the crucial business of blocking the Democrats from restoring Hillary Clinton to power and perhaps even choosing the right president.

      .................................................. ..........

      View the complete article at:
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Donald Trump This Week Abc, Trump On Megyn Kelly, Women and Gop Debate

        B. Steadman


        • #5
          Republican leaders declare Trump dead (AGAIN)

          GOP leaders say erratic attacks hurt Trump, but he vows to fight and win

          The Washington Post

          Philip Rucker and Robert Costa


          Republican leaders who have watched Donald Trump’s summer surge with alarm now believe that his presidential candidacy has been contained and may begin to collapse because of his repeated attacks on a Fox News Channel star and his refusal to pledge his loyalty to the eventual GOP nominee.

          Fearful that the billionaire’s inflammatory rhetoric has inflicted serious damage to the GOP brand, party leaders hope to pivot away from the Trump sideshow and toward a more serious discussion among a deep field of governors, senators and other candidates.

          They acknowledge that Trump’s unique megaphone and the passion of his supporters make any calculation about his candidacy risky. After all, he has been presumed dead before: Three weeks ago, he prompted establishment outrage by belittling the Vietnam war service of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), only to prove, by climbing higher in the polls, that the laws of political gravity did not apply to him.

          Still, Trump’s erratic performance during and after the first Republican presidential debate last week sparked a backlash throughout the party Saturday and a reassessment of his front-running bid. The final straw for many was Trump’s comment on CNN late Friday that Fox moderator Megyn Kelly had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.”
          .................................................. .......

          The first primary debate on Fox attracted a record cable television audience of 24 million viewers and lent some clarity to a presidential race that has seemed hazy. It underscored former Florida governor Jeb Bush’s inability, at least so far, to excite the party’s grass roots and step fully into the role of the alpha candidate. It also marked the emergence of back-of-the-pack candidates, including Ohio Gov. John Kasich and former technology executive Carly Fiorina, as potential contenders.

          The performances renewed the belief of many Republican leaders that the party has the strongest field in a generation, with several contenders capable of challenging Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton at a time when she appears increasingly vulnerable.

          But first, the party has to move beyond Trump, who created another controversy in a Friday night interview on CNN. He hurled insults about Kelly, including the blood comment, which was widely interpreted as a reference to menstruation.
          .................................................. .........................

          Trump said he would not apologize for his remarks about Kelly, which he said were misinterpreted. “Only a deviant would think I was saying anything about blood somewhere other than her eyes or her nose,” he said.

          .................................................. ....

          View the complete article at:

          B. Steadman


          • #6
            Women warn Megyn Kelly -- Back off Trump!

            VIDEO: Donald Trump turns black women into Republicans

            The American Mirror

            Kyle Olson


            Suffice it to say there are at least two women who support Donald Trump for president.

            A duo of black women — hosting a YouTube “show” called “The Viewers View” — eviscerated Fox News debate moderator Megyn Kelly for her questions related to Trump’s statements on Twitter concerning women.

            Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson produced, “Megyn Kelly and that Damn Debate,” today:

            “Okay, so it’s a day after the debates and you all know I am mad as hell,” Hardaway began. “Somebody already tried to come for Donald, so I’ve got to come for them.”

            Hardaway objected to Kelly’s opening question to Trump, asking him to respond to comments he made on Twitter towards Rosie O’Donnell.

            “Here’s the damn deal, Megyn Kelly, or Kelly Megyn, whatever your name is: Rosie O’Donnell started that whole foolishness! She was on The View and she was the one who spoke out against Donald and Donald had to come back on her!

            “So I don’t know why you’re gonna make this here a part of your forum last night. You know, perhaps you don’t need to be hosting debates! Perhaps — maybe it’s time for us to file Kelly and make her go back to reporting news at the local news! Try Sesame Street! Maybe you should go back and report news for Sesame Street and have a debate with them.”

            Hardaway wasn’t finished.

            “You hit below the belt, Kelly. You hit below the belt, girl. But blow on this: leave my man, Donald Trump, the hell alone! If you’ve got something you’re going to tell him, run it by us first! Run it by me first and I’ll let you know if you have permission to come for him!” she said.

            “He’s gonna be the next president of the United States when you like it or not, Megyn Kelly or Kelly Megyn or whatever your name is, or not.”

            Hardaway and Richardson appeared on The Hard Line on Newsmax TV earlier this week after they produced another pro-Trump video.

            Host Ed Berliner asked the duo how they fell out of line with the traditional black female supporters of the Democratic Party and Hardaway said, “Well, listen, we have our own minds and we can no longer be spoon-fed. We can pick up our own forks and eat for ourselves. We have our own minds to think for ourselves. Stop believing everything those Democrats tell you.

            If our man Donald Trump gets this, we going Republican, baby!”

            They called Trump a “breath of fresh air” during the interview.

            “It’s like now we have a leader. We have someone that can lead us, secure that border, bring jobs back to America so people can not only survive, but they can also thrive in this country.”


            View the complete article, including videos, at:

            B. Steadman


            • #7
              'Mess with the bull, you’re going to get the horns, sweetheart'

              'Mess with the bull, you’re going to get the horns, sweetheart': Trump Iowa campaigner says 'Bloodgate' attack on Megyn Kelly was 'fair game'
              • Tana Goertz, the co-chair of Trump's Iowa campaign, defended her boss
              • Said: 'If you mess with the bull you're going to get the horns, sweetheart'
              • Trump has been under fire for attacking Fox Host over debate questions
              • Said during debate she had 'blood coming out of her... wherever' - widely interpreted as a reference to her menstrual cycle
              • Comments saw Trump booted out of a conservative gathering and criticized by Jeb Bush

              The Daily Mail

              Kieran Corcoran for


              A Donald Trump official leading his political campaign in Iowa has said his attacks on Fox News host Megyn Kelly are 'fair game'.

              Tana Goertz, his campaign co-chair in the battleground state, said that she was not offended by Trump's suggestion that Kelly asked him tough questions because there was 'blood coming out of her wherever'.

              Goertz instead said the abuse is part of political debate, saying: 'If you mess with the bull you're going to get the horns, sweetheart'.

              Trump's comments, made Friday night in a CNN segment where he also called her a 'lightweight' and 'overrated', were widely interpreted as a crude reference to Kelly's menstrual cycle.

              He has since claimed he was referring to her nose.

              Goertz, whose association with Trump began when she appeared on season three of The Apprentice, told BuzzFeed News that she was 'not offended' by the statement, and does not think it is about her period.

              She said: 'You know with Mr Trump, he believes that he responds to men and women with equal intensity so you know Megyn was attacking him at the debate and he just fired back. It’s fair game.'

              Meanwhile Trump was roundly criticized for the remarks by other Republican candidates, members of the public, and even his own staff.

              Roger Stone, a longtime associated of Trump, dramatically exited the campaign Saturday.

              He says he abandoned his campaign after failing to persuade him to stop his personal attacks and focus on the issues. Trump says he fired Stone.

              The real estate billionaire was forced to divert his campaign Saturday after his invitation to a gathering of conservative activists in Atlanta, Georgia, was rescinded over his attacks on Kelly.

              He was slated to appear at the RedState gathering, where Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and others made speeches to the GOP faithful.

              .................................................. .............

              View the complete article, including images and videos, at:

              B. Steadman

