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Look who's No. 1 in NBC poll after GOP debate -- WND, Joe Kovacs

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  • Look who's No. 1 in NBC poll after GOP debate -- WND, Joe Kovacs

    Look who's No. 1 in NBC poll after GOP debate

    Ted Cruz rockets to 2nd, Bush and Christie plunge


    Joe Kovacs


    A brand-new scientific poll taken in the wake of Thursday’s Republican debates and Donald Trump’s war of words with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly shows the billionaire developer increasing his lead at the top position, with GOP establishment candidates such as Jeb Bush and Chris Christie in a downward spiral.

    The NBC News Online Survey was conducted online by SurveyMonkey from August 7-8, 2015 among a national sample of 3,551 adults aged 18 and over. The overnight poll was conducted for 24 hours from Friday evening into Saturday.

    Trump ranked at No. 1, scoring 23 percent support, a gain of 1 percentage point from NBC’s previous poll.

    U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas saw the biggest increase of 7 percent, finishing in second place with 13 percent of the overall vote.

    Neurosurgeon Ben Carson came in third, scoring 11 percent, a personal increase of 3 points.

    Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina tied Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida for fourth place with 8 percent, but Fiorina experienced a massive 6-point jump for herself compared to her previous status at just 2 percent.

    Jeb Bush tied Scott Walker for fifth place, collecting 7 percent each, which was down 3 points for both candidates.

    Mike Huckabee and Rand Paul tied for sixth place at 5 percent each, followed by Rick Perry and John Kasich at two percent.

    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was near the bottom of the barrel at just 1 percent support, having dropped two points following the debate. He is tied with Bobby Jindal and Lindsey Graham.

    Rick Santorum and George Pataki scored zero in the NBC poll.

    As far as the debate itself is concerned, the polltakers noted: “Among Republican and Republican-leaning voters who watched either of the debates or followed coverage of the debates in the news, Carly Fiorina emerged as the clear winner. Twenty-two percent said Fiorina won or had the best performance in the debate, followed by 18 percent who said Trump had the best performance. However, another 29 percent said Trump did the worst in the debate, clearly showing how polarizing he is.”

    During the Fox News debate Thursday evening, Trump was the only Republican candidate to say he would not rule out a run as an independent.

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    B. Steadman