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Donald Trump: Low Minimum Wage ‘Not a Bad Thing for This Country’ -- Mediaite

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  • Donald Trump: Low Minimum Wage ‘Not a Bad Thing for This Country’ -- Mediaite

    Donald Trump: Low Minimum Wage ‘Not a Bad Thing for This Country’


    Alex Griswold


    Donald Trump said during an interview with MSNBC’s Morning Joe that he believed a low minimum wage was a good thing for America, because it helped the country compete with foreigners.

    “Your slogan is ‘Make America Great Again,'” host Mika Brzezinski noted. “I’m curious on the issue of wages ,which have been flat for years now… do you think the minimum wage should be raised across the board?”

    “Mika, it’s such a nasty question because the answer has to be nasty,” Trump said. “We’re in a global economy now. It used to be companies would leave New York State or leave another state and go to Florida, go to Texas, go to wherever they go because or lower wages…”

    But now, Trump noted, the United States is competing with much lower wages in other countries. “We can’t have a situation where our labor is so much more expensive than other countries that we can no longer compete. One of the things I’ll do if I win, I’ll make us competitive as a country.”

    “I want to create jobs so you don’t have to worry about the minimum wage, they’re making much more than the minimum wage,” he said. “But I think having a low minimum wage is not a bad thing for this country, Mika.”

    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman