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Trump’s AD Era forcing Obama off the front page -- Canada Free Press, Judi McLeod

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  • Trump’s AD Era forcing Obama off the front page -- Canada Free Press, Judi McLeod

    Trump’s AD Era forcing Obama off the front page

    Canada Free Press

    Judi McLeod


    It’s September 2015, in the newly unfurled AD era, AD meaning ‘After Donald’.

    Some are now noticing that when Donald Trump kicked off his campaign as a new kind of 2016 GOP presidential hopeful, he kicked President Barack Obama off the front page.

    Obama’s real campaign slogan was ‘Changing America by Fundamentally Transforming It’. The Donald’s: ‘Make America Great Again!’. There’s no competition in whose slogan has more crowd appeal.

    Up until Trump got out on the campaign trail talking about issues that matter like borderless illegal immigration, omnipotent Obama owned the headlines, the Internet and the air waves.
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    While Obama lolled in Martha’s Vineyard sunshine, Fox News viewers broke all records with upwards of 25 million tuning in to get a glimpse of The Donald, the man running away with the headlines.

    Welcome to the AD era, where, in order for Obama to make it back into the headlines, he has to resort to stealing mountains by renaming them.

    While the outspoken Trump is out there sending GOP, the Democrats and the Big Government-advocating mainstream media ducking for cover, what is the just back from summer holidays Obama doing?

    Renaming Mount McKinley to Denali. Alaskans were calling it Denali for decades, but Obama made it official. It was easy-peasy for him ‘cause he’s got a phone and a pen.

    “In 1896, a gold prospector emerged from the Alaskan wilderness brimming with stories about the frontier, including the sight of a majestic mountain that natives had long called Denali, or “the high one.” (NBC News, Aug. 31, 2015)

    “The prospector had another idea: name the peak after a Republican from Ohio who was running for president on a platform that included linking American currency to the value of gold.

    “His name was William McKinley.

    “The future president had never been to Alaska, and never would go. But the name somehow stuck.
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    “That is how America’s tallest peak became Mount McKinley. And after all these years, the flimsy historical connection between man and mountain has officially unraveled.

    “On Sunday, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell signed an order renaming the mountain Denali. “The mountain was originally named after President William McKinley of Ohio, but President McKinley never visited, nor did he have any significant historical connection to, the mountain or to Alaska,” Jewell wrote.

    “President Barack Obama, about to embark on a trip to Alaska to urge action against global warming, supported the move.

    “The only voluble recent opposition to the renaming came, predictably, from Ohio Republicans. They said Obama was insulting the work of the 25th president, who was assassinated in 1901, a couple of months into his second term.

    “But even McKinley scholars admit that naming a mountain in Alaska after him was kind of ridiculous.”

    The president, it could be said could already see Denali from the White House.

    For the first time in, lo, seven long years, there were no pictures of Obama slurping a shaved ice sent out from Martha’s Vineyard this time. The picture that grabbed most attention this vacation was a bored looking Malia on a family bicycle outing.

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman