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Video: Leading GOP Presidential Candidate And Birther Donald Trump Speaks In Dallas

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  • Video: Leading GOP Presidential Candidate And Birther Donald Trump Speaks In Dallas

    Full Video: Leading GOP Presidential Candidate And Birther Donald Trump Speaks In Dallas

    Birther Report



    Here's the live web stream of Donald Trump's speech in Dallas, Texas. It is a packed house ,,,

    ( Video via 2016 Presidential Elections Channel™. )


    - Daily Mail -


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Trump hammers 'this sanctuary cities crap' and jokes about replacing Obamacare with 'Donaldcare' as women CRY with joy and 20,000 enthralled Texans roar 90 minute speech

    • Republican front-runner gave the longest speech of any major party candidate in the 2016 presidential election
    • American Airlines center was packed to the rafters with Texans who came to hear The Donald speak
    • 'We've got a president who doesn't know what the hell he's doing!' Trump blasted, mocking global warming and focusing on 'nuclear global warming'
    • Took minor swipes at Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson before Wednesday's debate but boos rang from the arena at the mention of Jeb Bush's name
    • Met before his speech with Texans whose family members were killed by illegal immigrants – and returned to 'anchor baby' rhetoric
    • 'I just never thought I'd see the day when someone in politics would say the things he's saying,' said a woman who wept for joy while Trump spoke

    Daily Mail

    David Martosko, Us Political Editor For In Dallas


    Donald Trump spoke for nearly 90 minutes to a crowd estimated at 20,000 on Monday night in Dallas, railing against 'this sanctuary cities crap' and joking that after he presided over the demise of Obamacare, the insurance scheme's replacement might bear his name.

    'We'll go with "DonaldCare",' he said near the end of what became the longest campaign speech so far of any candidate vying for the presidency in 2016, after a man in the raucous and riled-up audience called out the imaginary name for an as-yet imaginary new national health care initiative.

    'We've got a president who doesn't know what the hell he's doing!' Trump trumpeted, later mocking President Barack Obama for claiming this year in his State of the Union address that 'no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.'

    'The biggest threat we have is nuclear global warming, not global warming,' Trump quipped, referring to the potential for a nuclear arms race in the Middle East as a consequence of a deal Obama cut this summer with the belligerent Islamist nation of Iran.

    But the billionaire politician fired his stiffest broadsides in Texas – the ultimate American border state – at illegal immigrants, the 'sanctuary cities' that give them safe haven from deportation, and the pundits who have castigated him for declaring war on them all.

    'We are a dumping ground for the rest of the world,' he complained.

    'You people are suffering,' Trump said. 'I'm in New York, but they're in New York, too. They're all over the place. It's disgusting what's happening to our country!'

    Gang members who are in the U.S. illegally, he pledged, 'will be out of here so frickin fast' if he takes over the Oval Office.

    And he returned to the brash rhetoric that made him a household name among immigration watchers, referring to child-citizens born of illegal immigrants as 'anchor babies' before allowing that 'I don't mean to be disrespectful.'

    Trump said that just before emerging from the corner of the American Airlines center, where the Dallas Stars hockey team and Dallas Mavericks basketball team play, he had met with Texans who had lost family members to a crime wave brought north by illegal border-crossers.

    'Their sons, their daughters – killed by illegal immigrants!' Trump boomed. 'We have to stop illegal immigration!'

    Chants of 'USA! USA! USA!' rang out even as a small group of immigrants' rights protesters demonstrated outside.

    'We have to build a wall, folks,' he said to a crescendo of cheers. 'We have to build a wall. And a wall works. All you have to do is go to Israel and say "How does your wall work?"'

    The crowd ate up every word, offering deafening applause. Near the back of the main section of floor seats, two elderly women – one white and another Hispanic – wept as they applauded.

    .................................................. ..............

    View the complete article, including images and videos, at:
    B. Steadman

