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Donald Trump's TODAY town hall: Guns, ISIS — and the last time he ate McDonald's

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  • Donald Trump's TODAY town hall: Guns, ISIS — and the last time he ate McDonald's

    Donald Trump's TODAY town hall: Guns, ISIS — and the last time he ate McDonald's

    Today News

    Eun Kyung Kim


    Donald Trump brought his brash, unapologetic presidential campaign to New Hampshire on Monday for a "pancakes and politics" town hall meeting with voters, hosted by TODAY's Matt Lauer.

    9:01: Trump was asked about a segment in his book, "The Art of the Deal," where he said he would do nearly anything within legal bounds to secure victory. Asked if he would be willing to make campaign promises that he couldn't keep as president, Trump said he wouldn't need to.

    "I don't think I have to do that. Everything I say, I can do. Everything I say, I will abide by," he said. He said his promises, after a four-year term in office, would be legitimate. It won't be like a "Bergdahl swap," where the U.S. government secured the release of an American prisoner of war in exchange for releasing five Taliban prisoners."I will abide by everything that I'm saying on the campaign trail."

    8:52: One undecided voter told Trump she and others like her would vote for him "if only you would eat a piece of humble pie once in a while." Asked if Trump could share what weaknesses he had, the candidate declined because "then I'd expose the weaknesses to Putin and then everybody else and we don't want to do that, right?

    He said "I have weaknesses, I really believe I have weaknesses. I don't like exposing them because if I expose them then the enemy knows."

    8:49: After being asked whether, outside of his family, he had been told "no," Trump said he had plenty of times, especially by family members who questioned his business acumen."It's not been easy for me. I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars," he said, noting he paid the loan back with interest.

    8:40: On the Syrian refugee crisis, Trump said he would "take a big swatch of land" in Syria and contribute to building safe zones for people who otherwise would seek other nations for shelter. He would especially force the rich Gulf nations to contribute the most.

    "We have to help these people, I'm okay with it, but they're not coming to the United States." He also criticized President Obama's proposal to allow 250,000 Syrian refugees into the nation. "This could be the greatest Trojan horse of all time," he said, suggesting some of those refugees could be terrorist fighting for ISIS.


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    B. Steadman