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Michael Savage: It's 'do or die' for America -- WND

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  • Michael Savage: It's 'do or die' for America -- WND

    Michael Savage: It's 'do or die' for America

    New book documents 'trajectory' leading to tyranny




    "New York Times bestselling author Michael Savage‘s 27th book – which he considers his most seminal – is chock-full of documented reasons why America should not re-elect Barack Obama as president, but it boils down to one stark warning: “An Obama victory in 2012 would doom this country.”

    “It’s a do or die situation,” Savage told WND in an interview. “You can see the trajectory of Obama’s regime thus far.

    “Imagine your worst fears, and you’re going to have some or all of it if this man is re-elected.”

    Savage’s “Trickle Down Tyranny: Crushing Obama’s Dream Of The Socialist States Of America” is scheduled for release Tuesday by Harper Collins. The author of six New York Times bestsellers, his third-ranked national talk show, “The Savage Nation,” has more than 10 million listeners. He made his fiction debut last fall with Abuse of Power,” which began at No. 4 on the Times list and became’s No. 1 bestselling hard-cover book.

    Savage explains why he wrote the book in its opening pages: “The American people have been kept in the dark about what I’m going to reveal to you in this book. They’ve been fed an endless stream of lies.”

    He begins with “advice to the next president,” asserting that the nation needs someone “the exact opposite of Barack Obama.”

    He recognizes Mitt Romney doesn’t fit that bill, but he will vote for him anyway if the former Massachusetts governor becomes the Republican nominee, because the alternative is unacceptable.

    But while the nation’s economic woes offer an advantage to Romney, Savage fears Obama could be re-elected anyway, noting today’s news that polls in swing states show women have moved in Obama’s direction, giving him the lead.

    Women are flocking toward Obama, Savage said, because they look at the Republican field and “see a nightmare.”

    “Romney says nothing, Santorum is nauseating, Gingrich is physically repulsive,” he explained. “So women are saying, ‘You know, I’ll stick with him.’ It’s all style anyway.”

    Savage said it’s still unclear who Romney is.

    “Romney has no traction with the American people, because there is no there there,” he said. “Where is he? Who is he? The Etch-a-Sketch wasn’t a bad metaphor. Who is the man?”

    2008 playbook

    Savage fears a repeat of Sen. John McCain’s failed 2008 presidential campaign.

    “Romney is already following the McCain playbook, which is that Obama is a good man, he just doesn’t really quite get it, or he isn’t up to the job,” Savage said.

    He said that if Romney wins the nomination, he would vote for him “strictly on the issue of national security and taxation.”


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    B. Steadman