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Matt Friedman, the Star Ledger's Lastest Perpetrator of Factual Ignorance

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  • Matt Friedman, the Star Ledger's Lastest Perpetrator of Factual Ignorance


    Dwight Kehoe

    Open Letter to Matt Friedman

    Dear Matt,

    "I read your article posted on (, which was supposedly written by you as coverage of the Jerome Corsi presentation in Morristown. The word "supposedly" comes to mind because its difficult to believe you were actully there.

    As for your editors and or fact checkers, if there are such entities in the mainstream media anymore, both you and they are an embarrassment to the mortally wounded profession of factual journalism and reporting.

    Understanding as I do, that your intent was not to cover the event, but to discredit it, as part of the ongoing cover up of one the most outrageous deceptions ever imposed on the American people, it was not a surprise when your article began by calling Dr. Corsi, controversial.

    You, young man, have ignored the evidence produced by Sheriff Arpaio and Corsi, which is irrefutable and has proven that Obama's history, forged documents and communist associations, are, in fact what is "controversial".

    You further show your biased ignorance when you call Corsi a theorist. Seems Matt, you have spent far to long "sitting on the dock of the bay" when you should have been learning the definition of words in the English language and their proper use thereof.

    Theory -
    hypothesis, conjecture, speculation, assumption, premise, presumption, supposition, guess

    Continuing to prove that you either never attended the event or spent the evening eating the leftovers in the basement, the information Dr. Corsi presented, was fact, not theory.

    Want to see theory? Look no further than yours and every other main stream media effort to support non-existent, fabricated and forged documents hoisted upon the American people.

    More facts, not theory? The US Constitution forbids the President of our country from being anything other than a Natural Born Citizen. The founders put that into Article II, not to waste ink, but to protect this country from people, just like Obama.
    You claim, without evidence or reference, that the case against Obama's eligibility, as put forth by Sheriff Arpaio and Jerome Corsi, have been widely debunked.

    You are hereby challenged to prove it! Debunked, when and how? By whom? Every lame effort to make excuses for the forged birth certificate is what has been debunked.

    Are you willing to put your unsubstantiated comments up against the actual facts? The days are long gone when readers will just take the word on anything the media reports. They have learned that is a dangerous thing to do.

    And the use of the left wing pollster, Peter Woolley, "thinking" that "conspiracies" have been demonstrated as not valid, in itself is not valid. He proffers his supposition with the tactics of Alinksy by calling those that think forgeries, felonies and deception are merely bigots.

    Many politicians, Rep. Bucco may or not be one, have been cowed into silence by these tactics. They see, they know, they understand and then, they are silenced.

    But recognize all ye leftists, un-constitutionalists and protectors of illegalities, the people are on to you. We, unlike politicians and talk show hosts, will not be silenced and until all the facts are brought out and those involved in wrong doing are prosecuted, we will not go away.

    Finally, being fair and upfront, you then quote Democrat Senator Codey, holder of the latest gerrymandered seat in North Jersey, as being more concerned about jobs, the economy and oh yes, the kids, we can't forget the kids, than he is in supporting and defending the US Constitution.

    To Senator Codey and all of you that looked the other way and allowed an ineligible, un-vetted and inexperienced candidate to be elected in contrariety to the US Constitution and the America people, if you had of done your jobs, honored your oaths of office, our kids, the economy and this country would not be in the dire straights we now find them in.

    Please feel free to contact me with your presentation of "debunking" facts."

    Dwight Kehoe
    Last edited by bsteadman; 04-09-2012, 03:31 PM.
    B. Steadman