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LOL - Obama Family Tree: New Search Turns Up Startling Obama Ancestors -- DBKP

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  • LOL - Obama Family Tree: New Search Turns Up Startling Obama Ancestors -- DBKP

    Obama Family Tree: New Search Turns Up Startling Obama Ancestors

    Death by 1000 Papercuts - DBKP


    People’s Genealogy Presents: Barack Obama’s Family Tree (
    The People’s Cube


    "Our friends at, in cooperation with the current interim provisional government of Kenya and Hawaii, have published their research of Barack Obama’s ancestry, starting with the oldest forebear they were able to verify.

    King Putt – pharaoh of ancient Egypt during the Sorosian dynasty. He saved his country’s economy by spending all of his subjects’ money on building a huge pyramid, which housed an indoor golf course.

    Emperor Nerobama – set fire to Rome, fiddled while it burned, and blamed it all on the Christians and their “war on women.”

    Robin Hoodie – popular leader of Occupy Sherwood Forest. After a successful career of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, he and his wife, Maiden Michelle, retired to a large castle, which they purchased along with about one third of France.

    .................................................. .

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    Last edited by bsteadman; 04-26-2012, 05:53 PM.
    B. Steadman