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WTF - Rubio: My VP Consideration 'Tribute' to America -- Newsmax

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  • WTF - Rubio: My VP Consideration 'Tribute' to America -- Newsmax

    Rubio: My VP Consideration 'Tribute' to America


    Greg McDonald


    "Sen. Marco Rubio says he’s “blessed” to be on the so-called short list of potential Mitt Romney running mates and calls it a “tribute” to America that the son of Cuban immigrants could rise to be considered as a vice presidential candidate.

    “I pinch myself because of the understanding that I’ve been blessed with a real rare opportunity that few Americans ever get — to serve their government and their people at this level,” the Florida Republican said in a Fox News interview Monday night.

    Rubio called his consideration for the GOP presidential ticket a tribute to his parents, who worked as a maid and a bartender, and lived — as the senator put it — under “very different circumstances” just a short time ago.

    “I think that’s a tribute to them. No doubt about it,” he told Fox News’ Bret Baier. “But I think it’s an even greater tribute to America, because it’s one of the few societies in all human history where a story like that would even be possible.”

    The freshmen senator is one of at least a half dozen candidates Romney is reportedly considering for the second spot on the GOP presidential ticket. Among the others: Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan.

    But so far, Rubio appears to be creating the most “buzz,” according to Baier, among Republicans looking to pull off an upset against President Barack Obama in November."

    .................................................. .......

    View the complete article at:

    My Comment: I hope I am wrong but -- I got a strong feeling after reading the above article that the Republican Establishment is planning to DELIBERATELY run Rubio, who is not NBC and therefore ineligible, for VP next November!

    This is going to be their subtle, but actually in-your-face, way of 'sweeping under the rug' their intimate part in the entire 2008 ineligible Obama election fiasco. They intend that all will be forgotten or forgiven!

    The Republican Establishment couldn't care less that running Rubio as VP in 2012 is UNCONSTITUTIONAL! -- "We don't need no stinkin Constitution! -- WE are the law now"!

    They apparently extended a toe to 'test the murky water' in 2008 by running McCain, who is 'borderline' NBC-ineligible! Now, they plan to dive head first and completely naked into the fetid swamp!

    Of course, this irresponsible cabal of Republican buffoons is assuming that a compromised SCOTUS and a supporting MSM will back them up on their treachery, or more likely simply ignore it entirely, and sadly this may very well turn out to be true!
    Last edited by bsteadman; 05-01-2012, 07:39 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    FOX News: Bret Baier explains "natural born citizen" requirements for president & VP


    Bret explains "natural born citizen" requirements for president and vice president

    FOX News

    Katy Ricalde

    View the article at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Makahayan has sent many messages to Newsmax , World Net Daily , Marco Rubio and others that Rubio is not a
      natural born citizen of America . His parents were naturalized 4 ( four ) years after his birth , which disqualifies him
      from having his name on a ballot for VP . These fools continue to tout his name as a possible candidate , and they
      might be successful in printing a ballot with that name on it . The whole thing pisses me off , almost as much as when
      they call obummer by the office he has usurped .

