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ITB - Bennett’s loss of resolve versus Zullo’s new ‘shocking revelations’

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  • ITB - Bennett’s loss of resolve versus Zullo’s new ‘shocking revelations’

    Bennett’s loss of resolve versus Zullo’s new ‘shocking revelations’

    Sonoran News

    Linda Bentley


    "While Bennett has received numerous e-mails from constituents over his decision to accept the Onaka letter as verification, he responded to Netty Wisbaum’s, in which she accused him of having a “lack of resolve.”

    He told Wisbaum, “I was never ‘challenging’ the eligibility. As much as it may be frustrating to you and many others, that is not my role. I was verifying the eligibility with officials from another state. As I’ve stated many times over the last several weeks, no matter what I do in this matter, some will say I’ve gone way too far and others will say I haven’t gone nearly far enough.”

    He also stated “in the strongest way possible” what he did had nothing to do with her three likely reasons, which Wisbaum enumerated as follows:

    1. You and your family have been threatened by those wielding power for the status quo to remain intact;
    2. As Romney’s Arizona co-chairman, you’ve been given cease and desist orders from his campaign; or
    3. The political winds bode less favorable for your gubernatorial political aspirations on the recent ballot challenge trajectory.

    Wisbaum also stated, “The tumor within the bureaucracy of the political elite in Washington has metastasized the national security of our country. Until this situation is rectified, the freedom envisioned by our founders for a representative republic has ceased to exist. Your loss of resolve has played right into their hands, as did Gov. Brewer’s.”


    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 05-31-2012, 11:52 AM.
    B. Steadman