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WTF - Obama Asks People Getting Married To Forgo Gifts: Donate to His Campaign

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  • WTF - Obama Asks People Getting Married To Forgo Gifts: Donate to His Campaign

    Obama Asks People Getting Married To Forgo Gifts, Ask Their Guests To Donate To His Campaign Instead…

    Weasel Zippers



    "You can even register your wedding on his campaign website. Could he be any more pompous?"

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Obama wants your birthday presents

    Campaign suggests giving up wedding, anniversary gifts too


    Bob Unruh


    "Getting married? Does Barack Obama ever have an idea for you!

    How about telling your family, friends and guests that they should make a donation to Obama’s 2012 campaign instead of getting you a gift?

    A birthday coming? Same suggestion.

    Also for anniversaries.

    The campaign has announced “The Obama event registry,” where Obama fundraisers say:

    “Got a birthday, anniversary, or wedding coming up?

    “Let your friends know how important this election is to you – register with Obama 2012, and ask for a donation in lieu of a gift. It’s a great way to support the President on your big day. Plus, it’s a gift that we can all appreciate – and goes a lot further than a gravy bowl.

    “Setting up and sharing your registry page is easy – so get started today.”

    Further instructions say, “Register your next celebration – whether it’s a birthday, bar or bat mitzvah, wedding, or anniversary – with the Obama campaign. It’s a great way to show your support for a cause that’s important to you on your big day.”

    The Church Report cited just days earlier that Obama’s cash-collecting, which set all sorts of records for the 2008 campaign, was faltering this year.

    “Mitt Romney out-raised President Barack Obama in May, the first time the Republican presidential challenger has jumped ahead of Obama and his prodigious fundraising apparatus. The numbers illustrate how Romney and the Republican Party have jelled as a force after a protracted GOP primary,” said the report.

    “Romney and his party raised more than $76 million last month, the campaign said Thursday. Obama’s campaign reported that it and the Democratic Party raised $60 million for the month.”

    Just a few months ago, the Obama campaign also tried to cash in on the ongoing controversy over his eligibility – and whether he actually qualifies under the Constitution to be president.

    It was less than 24 hours after Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio held a news conference to announce that his investigators found probable cause that the Obama birth certificate image released last year is a forgery, an email seeking donations was dispatched by Julianna Smoot, Obama’s deputy campaign manager.

    “Yesterday, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his ‘Cold Case Posse’ (their words, not mine) held a press conference to announce that after an exhaustive, six-month investigation, they’ve concluded the president’s birth certificate is – wait for it – a fraud,” she wrote."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      The creepy factor just went through the roof -- Tea Party Nation, Judson Phillips

      The creepy factor just went through the roof

      Tea Party Nation Forum

      Judson Phillips


      "No, this blog post is not about convicted pedophile and child rapist Jerry Sandusky, who will thankfully rot in a prison cell for the rest of his life.

      Yesterday, an even creepier occurrence happened. While some people simply mocked what they saw, and with good reason, thinking about it is more than enough to really peg the creepy meter.

      What was it?

      It was the suggestion from the Obama campaign that people who are getting married, having birthdays or almost any other major event, tell their loved ones to send contributions to his reelection campaign in lieu of a gift.

      That’s right, the Obama reelection team has put together an Obama event page where people can register and get their family and friends to send contributions to his campaign instead of purchasing wedding gifts for newlywed couples and newborn babies.

      What kind of narcissistic nut tells people to tell their wedding guests to give the money they would spend on them, on him instead?

      What is next? Preprinted text for funeral announcements that says, “In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be sent to the Obama ego fund? Oops, I mean the Obama reelection fund.”

      Will this work, despite the derision that has followed it online?

      Who knows?

      What does it say about someone who thinks that asking people to forego the gifts from major milestones in their life, just for him?

      Somehow the words “Dear Leader” come to mind.
      - (bold emphasis added in the preceding two paragraphs)

      We conservatives joke about Obama being a narcissist, but really. Would George Bush have asked for something like that? How about Bill Clinton? Or Ronald Reagan?

      Jokes aside, those under thirty should be really offended by Obama’s narcissism. Wedding gifts are mostly given for those who are under 30 who are getting married for the first time. These are the people who have been hit the hardest by the Great Obama Depression. One half of college graduates do not have jobs. Compare that to 2006, when 90% of college graduates had jobs.

      Many young people are not going to be able to start their lives together because they simply cannot afford it. They are still living with their parents because thanks to the Great Obama Depression, they cannot find jobs.

      Thanks to Obama’s Party of Treason and the policies they perused, many of these young people, even if they have jobs cannot go after the American dream of home ownership for years, perhaps not ever.

      Does Obama really expect people to give their wedding gifts to him?

      For what purpose? So he can be reelected and have more expensive vacations? Should a newlywed give up their wedding presents so Obama can play another round of golf? Should someone forego their anniversary presents so Obama can blame Bush for his failures again?"


      View the complete post at:
      Last edited by bsteadman; 06-23-2012, 03:11 PM.
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Barack Obama Would Like Anyone With A Gift Registry To Just Give To Him Instead

        Barack Obama Would Like Anyone With A Gift Registry To Just Give To Him Instead


        Liz Colville


        "President Obama, that is his name, has come up with a brilliant new way to try to beat his opponent Mitt Romney at money-making, despite the fact that they seem to have more money than anyone would need to do anything, except maybe buy a Hawaiian island!!!!!! Isn’t it strange that we have to pay people to prepare themselves to run the country for a relatively short time? Anyway, Obama is now suggesting that if you have a wedding, birth, or anniversary, or any old excuse for wanting your friends and family to pool together their unemployment and social security checks and buy you shit, instead of asking for Le Creuset pots and diapers and wine, why don’t you just give the money to Barack Obama instead?

        Yes, sorry, that’s really all there is to it. Here’s the official suggestion from the Barack Obama website:

        .................................................. ..

        View the complete post at:

        WARNING: Site is NOT 'birther' friendly!
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          Address Your First Born, C/O: obama, barack Hussein

          My Very Own Point of View



          "Just imagine…you spend 12 months planning a beautiful wedding. The day of your dreams. Hundreds of hours, dozens of meetings, stress, anxiety, arguments, tears, and all of your savings are spent on this one day.

          Your day.

          Your most important, dreamed about and looked forward to day. Evah!

          In your entire life there is no more important day.

          You look perfect in your perfect gown. Your hair is gorgeous. Your jewelry is splendid. You glow, you float on air towards the worlds most perfect man. Your parents are overcome and weep. All the female guests are overcome and weep. The male guests are impressed enough that they don’t even fidget.

          And obama is there too – in the background. You’ve known all along how deeply he cared.

          He understands how big this event is to you, your soon-to-be husband, your parents, in laws, friends and even distant family and co-workers.

          He is so in tune with your special day, that when you enter your reception you find proof of his attention to your nuptials right there, right in a very prominent place.

          The gift table. It is loaded up with sweet little cards, cards which inform you that in lieu of a physical gift your invited guest or family member has made a donation to obama in your name.

          Nope, not even a single gravy bowl lurks there. Or is it a gravy boat? Oh, who cares! No one wants one of those things anyway! (If you don’t believe me, just read the authoritative words of the obama campaign.)

          After the marvelous affair ends, and you retire to your room for the first night alone with your new spouse, you decide to wind down a bit by opening your Hallmark cards, your wedding day well-wishes.

          Alas! When you open the cards, there are no checks that flutter to the floor, no hundred dollar bills tucked inside, no “little something” to help you set up housekeeping. No, that would be so passe, so expected, so very Bush-era.

          No, what you find tucked in with the sweet words, the kind expressions – are even more of those little notifications that a donation was made to the obama re-election campaign on your behalf, as a gift to you for your wedding."


          View the complete post at:

          B. Steadman


          • #6
            Address Your First Born, C/O: obama, barack Hussein

            Address Your First Born, C/O: obama, barack Hussein

            My Very Own Point of View



            "Just imagine…you spend 12 months planning a beautiful wedding. The day of your dreams. Hundreds of hours, dozens of meetings, stress, anxiety, arguments, tears, and all of your savings are spent on this one day.

            Your day.

            Your most important, dreamed about and looked forward to day. Evah!

            In your entire life there is no more important day.

            You look perfect in your perfect gown. Your hair is gorgeous. Your jewelry is splendid. You glow, you float on air towards the worlds most perfect man. Your parents are overcome and weep. All the female guests are overcome and weep. The male guests are impressed enough that they don’t even fidget.

            And obama is there too – in the background. You’ve known all along how deeply he cared.

            He understands how big this event is to you, your soon-to-be husband, your parents, in laws, friends and even distant family and co-workers.

            He is so in tune with your special day, that when you enter your reception you find proof of his attention to your nuptials right there, right in a very prominent place.

            The gift table. It is loaded up with sweet little cards, cards which inform you that in lieu of a physical gift your invited guest or family member has made a donation to obama in your name.

            Nope, not even a single gravy bowl lurks there. Or is it a gravy boat? Oh, who cares! No one wants one of those things anyway! (If you don’t believe me, just read the authoritative words of the obama campaign.)

            After the marvelous affair ends, and you retire to your room for the first night alone with your new spouse, you decide to wind down a bit by opening your Hallmark cards, your wedding day well-wishes.

            Alas! When you open the cards, there are no checks that flutter to the floor, no hundred dollar bills tucked inside, no “little something” to help you set up housekeeping. No, that would be so passe, so expected, so very Bush-era.

            No, what you find tucked in with the sweet words, the kind expressions – are even more of those little notifications that a donation was made to the obama re-election campaign on your behalf, as a gift to you for your wedding."


            View the complete post at:

            B. Steadman


            • #7
              Obama's wedding registry fundraising gambit a total flop -- American Thinker

              Obama's wedding registry fundraising gambit a total flop

              American Thinker

              Rick Moran


              "Not only are couples ignoring the idea of asking guests to contribute to the Obama campaign rather than buy a wedding gift, it has actually angered many event planners and couples.

              New York Post:

              "The number of links and stories about the announcement is very low since the news went live on June 22," said Meredith Klee, a spokeswoman for the social-media tracking firm Topsy.

              Her site's latest data show 1,137 posts on Twitter about the registry.

              And only a few hundred links to the registry have been shared on Facebook - even though Obama has more than 27 million fans on the site, according to Topsy.

              "It's a gift that we can all appreciate - and goes a lot further than a gravy bowl," said campaign staffer Laura Wilson while announcing the initiative.

              The Obama campaign didn't return requests for comment.

              But wedding industry pros called the ploy tasteless and divisive.

              "This is absurd. Republican or Democrat, you shouldn't bring politics into a wedding," said Kristin Koch, a senior editor with "We found that nearly everyone found this to be a bad idea."

              Brides-to-be commenting on her site's message board called the initiative "gross!" and "tacky" - with one writing, "Hell no!"

              "Politics and my personal celebrations should not be mixed," another bride wrote.


              View the complete article at:

              B. Steadman

