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ITB - Beasts of the Obama Wind -- Lame Cherry

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  • ITB - Beasts of the Obama Wind -- Lame Cherry

    Beasts of the Obama Wind

    Lame Cherry



    "I will have more of this on July 1, in what was behind the Roberts decision on Obamacare and no I will not be going tits up puffy pink Andrew Breitbart, as this will be published on July 1, in order to let the story die down and readers will begin then paying attention to the facts.

    It is though evident that thee extortion of Barry Chin AKA Barack Hussein Obama has caused a legal criminal assault on John Roberts on his having a seizure Monday due to pressure placed upon him by the Obama regime.

    Roberts own 'writings' on the subject of Obamacare were jibberish and nothing legal. The Justice is literally operating on scrambled brains, and that is the reality in this, that all of this mental makeup was caused by Barack Obama blackmailing the Chief Justice as will be proven here in content.

    Roberts is under the definition of cruel and unusual behavior leveled against him, in psychological assault by Obama and his cronies in the Rovians who combined for this implementation of Romneycare for feudal control and profit.

    Assault in legal terms does not end with fists or kicks, but is verbal, emotional and psychological. The complete breakdown of Roberts on Monday was medical evidence he was under undo stress and this stress came from blackmail.

    For this reason, the World Court must be petitioned as the Obama regime and the heinous Eric Holder are now conducting psychological warfare on John Roberts and the Supreme Court to their life threatening situations.

    No one will forget Obama threatening the Justices. No one will forget Charles Schumer and democrats egged on by Obama, spitting, jeering and screaming at the Justices at the Obama State of the Union terrorism of the High Court.

    All of this adds up to the conspiarcy of 5 counts of reckless homicide against Barack Hussein Obama and 1 certain count of attempted murder by Barack Hussein Obama against Chief Justice John Roberts.

    There is absolutely no difference in these passive assassinations in John Roberts than when Obama had Cousin Odinga in Kenya, assault Jerome Corsi in his medical conditions by throwing him into prison in the hopes it would kill him.

    Let us not forget B. Hussein Obama in the like treatment of political prisoner Lawrence Sinclair of putting a handicapped gay man on disability, into prison, not allowing him to speak to his attorney, loosing him in the dungeons, hauling him to Delaware, threatening him with life imprisonment for a crime he never committed by the Biden Syndicate, and then taking his disability checks from him.

    Let us not forget poor Elizabeth Edwards, stricken with cancer, and how Obama tortured this sick woman by going after in ruthless attacks on her husband, and then for political destruction trumping up federal charges against him, the jury refused to convict on.

    Brain impaired Justices, elderly with medical conditions, disabled Americans, cancer victims, all tortured to the extreme of life threating murder, all from the machinations of Barack Hussein Obama.


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    B. Steadman