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ITB - Holder Merits Contempt -- The Boston Herald

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  • ITB - Holder Merits Contempt -- The Boston Herald

    Holder merits contempt

    Boston Herald

    Boston Herald Editorial Staff


    "Nearly lost in the frenzy of reaction to the Supreme Court’s salvaging of Obamacare last week, was the history-making vote in the U.S. House to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.

    And that’s too bad, because the man has certainly earned this unique place in history.

    And try though he might to cast this as some sort of partisan witch hunt, Republicans were joined in the effort on the House floor by 17 Democrats.

    At issue are documents related to an investigation of the now notorious gun-trafficking operation known as Fast and Furious — an operation that put some 2,000 high-powered U.S. purchased weapons in the hands of the Mexican drug cartels. Two of those weapons were found at the scene of the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

    The practical impact of the contempt vote and Holder’s on-going exercise in unmitigated arrogance may result in little more than a protracted back and forth possibly in civil court (it seems unlikely that the House would take the overly dramatic step of sending its sergeant-at-arms to arrest Holder).

    But the point should not be lost that for 18 months the House has attempted to negotiate with Holder’s Justice Department the release of documents to which is entitled. That the nation’s top law enforcement officer should continue to stonewall that investigation like some sort of mafia don is beyond belief."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman