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ITB - Marine Corps band plays Romney song on White House lawn -- The Hill

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  • ITB - Marine Corps band plays Romney song on White House lawn -- The Hill

    Marine Corps band plays Romney song on White House lawn

    The Hill

    Ian Swanson


    "A subset of the Marine Corps band struck up one of Mitt Romney's walkout songs while President Obama was greeting visitors at the White House Independence Day celebration.

    A White House pool report said the band struck up Rodney Atkins's "It's America," and described it as an "awkward moment."
    - (bold emphasis added)

    The president and first lady Michelle Obama were hosting service members and their families on the South Lawn of the White House Wednesday evening to mark the Fourth of July.

    Military families were treated to an evening of barbecue, fireworks and a music concert featuring the Marine Band and country music star Brad Paisley.

    In his remarks welcoming the attendees, Obama thanked them for their service to the country

    "It is always such an honor for us to spend this holiday with members of our military and your extraordinary families," said the president. "So as your Commander-in-Chief -- but also as an American -- I wanted to invite all of you over to say one thing: thank you."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman