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ITB - Barack Obama's Brother to Make Film Debut in Anti-Obama Documentary (Video)

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  • ITB - Barack Obama's Brother to Make Film Debut in Anti-Obama Documentary (Video)

    Barack Obama's Brother to Make Film Debut in Anti-Obama Documentary (Exclusive Video)

    The Hollywood Reporter

    Paul Bond


    An interview with George Obama, who lives in a hut in Kenya "like something out of 'Slumdog Millionaire'" is featured in the upcoming movie "2016: Obama's America."

    Barack Obama’s half-brother, George Obama, is about to make his film debut, and in a feature-length documentary that is critical of the president, no less.

    In the movie, 2016: Obama’s America, based on Dinesh D’Souza’s best-selling book The Roots of Obama’s Rage, D’Souza refers to a news report four years ago about George Obama living in a hut in Nairobi, Kenya, “like something out of Slumdog Millionaire.” He’s intrigued, so he tracks him down.

    In the film clip embedded above, D’Souza and George Obama are seen chatting on what appears to be a park bench, and D’Souza seems most curious to know why the half-brother of the most powerful man on the planet lives in poverty and without any financial help from President Obama.

    “I think he has a family of his own,” George Obama says. “I’m a member of his family, but I’m over-age, so I help myself.”

    D’Souza presses him by using the Biblical admonition – one that the president has also cited -- that Americans ought to be “our brother’s keeper,” and George Obama shrugs off that insinuation, as well.

    “He’s got other issues to deal with,” he says. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”

    The focus of the movie, though, is the alleged anger at colonialism that President Obama inherited from his (and George’s) father.

    As D’Souza puts it in the book: “This philandering, inebriated African socialist, who raged against the world for denying him the realization of his anti-colonial ambitions, is now setting the nation’s agenda through the reincarnation of his dreams in his son.”

    D’Souza, therefore, presses that theory with George Obama, and seems to get agreement from him, as the president's brother argues that Kenya has fallen behind since its independence.

    D’Souza clearly enjoys getting to know George Obama and at one point during the interview (though not in the above clip), he jokes that America elected the wrong Obama to be its president.

    George Obama is the youngest of several children that Barack Obama, Sr. had with his four wives. He co-wrote a book in 2010, and D’Souza tracked him down through its publisher. D’Souza told The Hollywood Reporter that he met George Obama at a hotel in Nairobi and then they toured his village in Huruma Flats, spending about 12 hours together.

    “George is the rebel in Obama’s family. He’s the black sheep,” says D'Souza, who has penned several right-leaning books, such as Letters to a Young Conservative and What's So Great About America.

    “George doesn’t go along with the worship of the father and he is politically incorrect on a lot of topics," says D'Souza. "And he’s particularly interesting because he lives in rubble on a few dollars a day while his powerful, multimillionaire brother doesn’t lift a finger to help him.”


    View the complete article, including video, at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 07-10-2012, 01:45 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    George Can't Tell a Lie

    American Spectator

    Jay D. Homnick


    An Obama to remember and admire (with special thanks to Dinesh D'Souza).

    "Which brings me to my new hero, George Obama.

    I don't say that humorously or ironically or in any other adverbial format but sincerely. The last thing I expected was to think much of a Presidential brother. Yes, I thought Jeb was the much more impressive Bush went I met him, speaking smoothly without notes and masterful in command of matters in the public realm. But he was a Governor in his own right before his brother became President, so he did not need anyone's coattails for support.

    Beyond that, Presidential brethren tend to fade into the background. Billy Carter was a famous nuisance, Roger Clinton was a troublesome ne'er-do-well, Nixon's brothers popped into the White House now and then, but the rest stayed in the background, perhaps not always willingly. Ronald Reagan's brother was never invited to the White House. Bill Clinton found out after he became President about a half-brother through his father and by all accounts never even got in touch with the guy.

    For Obama, with half-siblings everywhere, it could turn into a three-ring circus if he tried to invite them all for Thanksgiving dinner. Still, the quirky story of his half brother, George, living in a hut in Kenya on ten dollars a month came to reflect badly on a wealthy man who left his brother in squalor. Now Dinesh D'Souza has gone to Kenya to interview George for a documentary, and the amazing footage shows us a remarkable man, someone we can all admire, an Ish Emes. You might not expect Barack Obama's brother to be an embodiment of traditional virtues, but clearly he is just that.

    First of all, he neither downgrades his brother nor idolizes him. It is not his brother's job to support him, because he is of age. His brother is taking care of his own family. As a President, his brother is trying to take care of the world and he is part of that world. He praises his father for being a highly educated man but he freely confesses that his mother expected more of him as the son of such an exceptional person.

    He takes full responsibility for the opinions about Kenya in a book he co-wrote in 2010. He argues that Kenya would be more developed economically today if it had not pushed out the white man's guidance too soon, unlike South Africa. He admits that Malaysia, Singapore, and South Korea vastly outperform Kenya because of a superior culture promoting education and responsibility."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Obama Documentary Featuring President's Brother Opens Big at Box Office (Exclusive)

      Obama Documentary Featuring President's Brother Opens Big at Box Office (Exclusive)

      The Hollywood Reporter

      Paul Bond


      "2016: Obama's America" features an interview with the president’s brother and opened in a single theater in Texas over the weekend, where it grossed an impressive estimated $31,750.

      An anti-Obama documentary featuring an interview with the president’s brother opened in a single theater in Texas over the weekend and, despite alleged complaints from some consumers who were upset with the film’s content, it grossed an estimated $31,750, a strong showing for any independent release.

      The film, 2016: Obama’s America, based on conservative author Dinesh D’Souza’s book The Roots of Obama’s Rage, had a free, promotional screening at Edwards Houston Marq’E Stadium 23 & Imax on Thursday.Management had planned to show it in one of its medium-sized auditoriums, but bumped it to one the multiplex’s largest rooms and turned away 200 people.

      Sources say some moviegoers sat in the aisles Thursday and waited as much as 90 minutes to meet D’Souza and Gerald Molen, one of the Oscar-winning producers of Schindler’s List, who was a co-producer of 2016 along with Doug Sain. For some of its regular showings over the weekend, the theater offered 2016 on multiple screens, including three sold-out auditoriums for the 7 p.m. Friday showing.

      If the weekend estimate from the movie’s distributor, Rocky Mountain Pictures, holds when final numbers are reported Monday, the film will have bested the per-theater number posted by the Al Gore documentary about global warming, An Inconvenient Truth, which opened to $123,549 in four theaters in 2006 for a per-theater average of $30,887.

      That film, which had the benefit of a mainstream distributor in Paramount Vantage and, eventually, two Oscar wins, went on to earn $24 million domestically. The box-office record for politically-charged documentaries is held by Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11, which grossed $119 million domestically in 2004. It opened on a Wednesday, in just two theaters, taking in $83,922 on its first day, for a one-day, per-theater average of $41,961. Still, for any documentary to pass the $25,000-per-theater mark on its opening weekend represents an unusually strong showing, according to box office observers."


      View the complete article, including video, at:
      Last edited by bsteadman; 07-15-2012, 10:59 PM.
      B. Steadman

