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ITB - Political committee keeps Obama birth certificate theory alive

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  • ITB - Political committee keeps Obama birth certificate theory alive

    Political committee keeps Obama birth certificate theory alive

    Los Angeles Times

    Joseph Tanfani


    "WASHINGTON -- Still convinced President Obama wasn’t born in the United States?

    A brand-new political committee will be happy to accept your donations to keep the theory alive.

    The Conservative Majority Fund, set up a month ago by a political consultant, is sponsoring television ads that recycle some discredited conspiracy theories regarding Obama’s identity -- including suggestions that he’s using a phony Social Security number and a fake birth certificate.

    “We know less about this man than any president in American history,” the ad says. “No one, I mean no one, has seen an actual physical copy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.” It calls for a petition drive -- “we need 10,000 signatures from every congressional district” -- to boot Obama from the ballot.

    The group’s website, which “demands Congress investigate Barack Obama’s forged birth certificate,” suggests donations from $25 to $2,500. This week, the group reported spending more than $500,000 to oppose “Barak [sic] Hussein Obama,” according to the organization’s Federal Election Commission filings, with most of the money going to a nationwide phone-call campaign."


    View the complete article at:,6336053.story
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Political committee keeps Obama birth certificate theory alive' which was started 8/4/2012 by 'GregNH'

    The thread references the 8/4/2012 LA Times article written by Josepph Tanfani -,6336053.story

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    The following is COMMENT #16, by 'butterdezillion', in the thread:

    "Well... as it stands right now, Hawaii has indirectly confirmed through a legal document (verification to AZ SOS Ken Bennett) that the discloseable HI birth record for Obama is legally non-valid (see my earlier post in this thread), which according to HI law would be because it is late and/or altered.

    That creates a legal problem, because that BC has no legal/probative value and never will unless and until it is submitted as evidence to a judicial or administrative person or body and determined to be probative. According to Hawaii law, which is binding according to the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the US Constitution.

    IOW, there are no legally-determined birth facts for Obama. Not one person can LEGALLY say that Obama is even old enough to be President, much less a natural born citizen.

    Anybody who swears on an Official Certification of Nomination that Obama is the “duly chosen candidate of the DNC” will commit both perjury and election fraud, and any SOS who accepts it will be committing misprision of those felonies. Provided they have all been informed of these facts - which they will.

    I don’t know if advertisements are the right way to address this issue. Depends on whether we have anybody in law enforcement who would prosecute the crimes that are soon to be committed in full sight of everyone. If the DNC and state SOS’s know there is no accountability they may just ignore this. Unless there is public awareness and pressure on them to obey the laws, which is what ads could help provide."

    The following is COMMENT #18, by 'butterdezillion', in the thread:

    "Proving it isn’t complicated at all - since HI State Registrar Alvin Onaka indirectly confirmed it himself, by refusing to verify that the BC Obama posted is a “true and accurate representation of the original record on file”.

    And he actually did even worse than that. He also indirectly confirmed that the record they DO have for Obama is legally non-valid (see my earlier post in this thread).

    What’s challenging is getting it to matter in a legal sense, in a situation where the entire system has been taken over by Soros’ thugs and all the legally-accountable people are too afraid of the LA Times (and the rest of the lying media) to actually obey the laws.

    The following is COMMENT #23, by 'butterdezillion', in the thread:

    "And at this point, barring a judicial or administrative procedure in which Obama’s Hawaii birth record (and at this point the microfilms and computer transaction logs as well, since Hawaii has altered official records on this matter already) is presented as evidence, Obama’s placement on any ballot in the country will involve known felonies (perjury and fraud) by the DNC and its lawyer, as well as misprision of those felonies by each state SOS and the HDOH.

    Already the Mississipi Democratic Executive Committee requested a “verification” specifically designed to avoid the issue of whether Obama’s true birth facts can be verified. To me, that strongly suggests that MDEC knew that Onaka CAN’T verify any actual birth facts - since they requested a verification without ever submitting the actual APPLICATION for a verification, in order to expressly avoid asking for specific birth facts to be verified as legally true. And they’ve submitted the irrelevant “verification” they received to a judge.

    So ALREADY they are trying to lay a foundation showing that they THOUGHT Obama was eligible, even though the way they handled their request strongly suggests they knew darn good and well not to do a request like Ken Bennett did, because Onaka would refuse to verify any true birth facts to them, just like he did to Bennett. And they know the only legal reason for Onaka to refuse to verify the birth facts is if the submitted facts are not legally true.

    IOW, they are going to do everything in their power to cover their legal behinds by saying they THOUGHT Obama’s HI BC is legally valid, even though their own actions show they heard Onaka loud and clear when he indirectly confirmed to Ken Bennett that Obama’s HI birth record is legally non-valid. We need to get the truth into their faces, on the record, with proof for all to see.... that they were informed and knew otherwise."
    Last edited by bsteadman; 08-05-2012, 08:51 PM.
    B. Steadman

