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WTF - When will the GOP learn? -- Tea Party Nation, Judson Phillips

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  • WTF - When will the GOP learn? -- Tea Party Nation, Judson Phillips

    When will the GOP learn?

    Tea Party Nation

    Judson Phillips


    "Just when you think everything is going along smoothly, someone in the Republican Party manages to try and reach out and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

    This one should actually come as no surprise. It was totally predictable.

    What is it?

    The moderators for the Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates have been announced.

    They are:

    Jim Lehrer, PBS for the 1st Debate.

    Candy Crowley, CNN for the 2nd Debate.

    Bob Schieffer, CBS for the 3rd Debate

    Martha Raddatz, ABC for the Vice Presidential Debate

    What is the problem?

    They are all liberals. Lehrer in both the 2004 and 2008 debates was pilloried for his questions that were tough on the Republican nominee and set up questions for the Democrat.

    Candy Crowley just a few days ago announced the pick of Paul Ryan as Romney’s running mate was a “death wish.”

    Bob Schieffer interviewed Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for CBS yesterday. He pushed both of them to admit it was “fair” that the rich pay higher taxes. He continued to push the Democrat narrative that Corporations and “the rich” were not paying their “fair share” of taxes so the middle class was being stuck with the bill.

    Martha Raddatz was the same one who gushed that our troops in Iraq have a crush on Obama.

    Please, give me a break.

    There are four debates. Can we have at least one conservative moderator?

    Why is it the Republicans always walk into these debates and agree to give the other side a leg up by having moderators that openly cheer for the Democrat?

    Is it asking the Republicans too much to grow a pair and start fighting?

    Who is the brain donor at the GOP that agreed to this non-sense?

    When is the Republican Party going to learn the drive by media is the enemy? I don’t care if you go to the same trendy parties in DC they are the enemy. They are not the unbiased purveyors of information they would like to claim to be.

    The Republicans do have allies. It is the conservative media. From WND to Breitbart, to the Blaze to Drudge and many others, there are a lot of conservatives who can moderate debates. There is Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, just to mention three.

    The conservative media is carrying the water for the Republicans so why aren’t they demanding the conservative media have a seat at the table?

    Why aren’t the Republicans demanding that at least half of the moderators be conservatives? Instead they are yielding the field to the Democrats.

    In 2004, then Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas made a startling prediction. He said that liberal media bias would be worth 15 points in the general election to John Kerry.

    The media, including these four who have been named as moderators, are all in for Obama. In this debate schedule, you can count on a steady string of gotcha questions for the Republicans and a steady stream of softball questions for the Democrats."


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman