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ITB - Rasmussen: Ryan favorability 39/25, 52/29 among … seniors

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  • ITB - Rasmussen: Ryan favorability 39/25, 52/29 among … seniors

    Rasmussen: Ryan favorability 39/25, 52/29 among … seniors

    Hot Air

    Ed Morrissey


    "Let’s take a look at the demos from that July poll. What leaps out from that survey is that Ryan actually does better among independents than any of the other presumed short-listers, save Condoleezza Rice, who wasn’t really shortlisted at all. Among unaffiliated voters, Ryan scores a 36/22 favorability, compared to 31/29 for Bobby Jindal, 26/28 for Tim Pawlenty, and a dismal 15/16 for Rob Portman. (Rice was 63/19 among indies.) Ryan also scores best among women, albeit with a narrow 29/25 edge.

    For even more counterintuitive results, look at Ryan’s standing among seniors. Despite the attacks on Ryan over his budget plan, he’s easily the most liked of the short-listers among likely voters 65 years of age and over, with a 52/29 favorability rating. His “very favorable” rating of 31% in the 65+ group is more than 10 points better than the other shortlisters in the Rasmussen survey (again, save Rice). Jindal did well, too, with a 44/28, as did Pawlenty with a 40/30 and Portman at 37/26, but Ryan’s draw among seniors outpaced all of them. Ryan has plenty of room to be defined in either direction with 35% of voters overall not having an opinion, but that’s only true of 20% of seniors — and Ryan already has a majority of them on his side. -
    (bold emphasis added)

    Looks like the Ryan choice was both bold and pragmatic. It still means that Romney and Ryan have to aggressively push to define Ryan themselves, rather than allow the media or the Obama team do it first."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman