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ITB - A sample of offerings served at the 'Bizarre Truth Etcetera Smorgasbord'

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  • ITB - A sample of offerings served at the 'Bizarre Truth Etcetera Smorgasbord'

    Dear readers,

    If you are confused by some of the information given in the following two comments, or especially by the many hundreds of other comments in the thread, these are just a sample of offerings currently being served at the 'Bizarre Truth Etcetera Smorgasbord'.

    Freeper 'Seizethecarp' is doing a masterful job of trying to defend the 'truth' against this monstrous tsunami of confusion and, in many cases I believe, intentional, obot-generated disinformation.


    Reproduced below are two comments by 'Seizethecarp', in the Free Republic thread titled, 'Re:"Mal and Val - not Ann and the Old Man" Any evidence Valerie Sarruf is Obama's mom? (vanity)'.

    The thread was started 8/1/2012 by 'Seizethecarp'

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    COMMENT #1 by 'Seizethecarp'

    "Meet The Parents....of alias Barack Obama. Black Sunni Muslim father and White Lebanese Christian mother. Born in the ME, raised in Indonesia, became BHO II in 1982." Dr. Ron J. Polland

    The “Mal-Val” youtube video at the link was posted by FReeper Polarik (Dr. Ron Polland) in August of 2011 and while morphing the image of a woman named “Val” into an image of Obama, he insinuates that “Val” is Obama’s mom. One year later this youtube has only 1,150 views.

    In July 2012, two FReepers associated the woman, “Val,” in Polarik’s Youtube with Lebanese actress Valerie Sarruf and have posted multiple images of her at various ages on FR eligibility threads. I am opening this thread to invite discussion of and links to any evidence that either supports or refutes a claim that Valerie Sarruf is Barack Obama’s mother, with or without Malcolm X being his father.

    Where could Malcolm X and Valerie Sarruf have been in 1960 when baby Barry would have been conceived? Is there any evidence that Sarruf could have been pregnant and delivered a baby in 1961? In what country could the baby have been delivered? How and when could the alleged Mal-Val baby have been inserted into the identity and life narrative of the person we have come to know as Barack Hussein Obama?

    Full disclosure: I refute categorically all of the Mal-Val narrative as wildly speculative and unsupported by any evidence that I have seen so far.

    For several years now a shadowy coterie of FReepers styling themselves as “researchers” has gone onto nearly every FR eligibility thread to aggressively refute all evidence that Stanley Ann Dunham was Barack Obama’s mother. They have actually declared flat out that she was never in Hawaii before 1963, contrary to the voluminous evidence including INS FOIA documents!

    Requests for links or any evidence that Stanley Ann is NOT the mom have been frequently met with abusive ad hominem attacks and accompanied by claims that ALL documentary evidence showing her to have been in Hawaii in 1960 and 1961 is forged, but no credible evidence of forgery has offered. I make this observation as a retired Certified Fraud Examiner and CPA.

    For years the “researchers” had claimed mysteriously to have conclusive evidence that a different woman is Barry’s mom, but refused to reveal her name or any evidence other than her picture because the “researchers” claimed it would disappear from the net and/or from hard copy archives of the records. But this month, the “researchers” appear to have slipped up and revealed that Valerie Sarruf has been the woman whose identity they have been “protecting.” They have since attempted to walk back the revelation, but it is clear, IMO.

    The “researchers” claim that they earnestly want to remove Obama from office. But wouldn’t revealing ALL EVIDENCE of a foreign mother and foreign birth (which they also claim) be the most logical approach to removing Obama rather than hiding the identity of this alternative mother for years while attacking FR threads that sincerely attempt to find out where Stanley Ann Dunham was when she gave birth to Barry?

    In my opinion, the best evidence that Valerie Sarruf is NOT Barry’s mother is the mountain of evidence that Stanley Ann Dunham IS his mother, which the “researchers” have totally failed to refute.

    Again, please use this thread for discussion of and links to any evidence that either supports or refutes a claim that Valerie Sarruf IS Barack Obama’s mother with or without Malcolm X being his father.

    COMMENT #844 by 'Seizethecarp'

    Per Fred Nerks:

    “I started trying to tell the story about the blending of two women to create the myth of the mother in 2009.”

    At last Fred Nerks admits to intentionally creating a myth “about the blending of two women.”

    Who are those two women? Are they the claimed secret Asian wife of Obama “Anna” supposedly pictured at the Nachmanoff party with BHO Sr. and Stanley Ann?

    Per Fred Nerks on August 5, 2009:

    “There is no hard evidence that Stanley Ann Dunham ever showed up in Hawaii. None.”

    Is this the first time Fred Nerks made a claim in a declarative sentence attempting to divert FReepers from investigating WHERE Stanley Ann was when Barry was born by the clever device of claiming first she was not in Hawaii at all, while implying that Malcolm X was the father but with Stanley Ann still the mother, but then adding declarative claim that she was not the mother at all and substituting Valerie Sarruf in 2011 when Polarik offered that tasty diversion?

    What was happening on Free Republic on August 5, 2009? Wasn't that exactly the time-framd when the two Kenyan BC’s, Bomford and CPGH hit the internet?

    Wouldn't a perfect deep-cover Obot trolling opportunity to protect Barry be for doubt to be spread that BHO Sr. could ever have been the legal or biological father of Barry by claiming first that Stanley Ann was never in Hawaii and later that Stanley An was never the mother.

    What better way to sow confusion among FReepers attempting to investigate where Barry was born than to go onto nearly every eligibility thread and hijack it into a distracting diversion based on a claim that a distant cousin of a Lebanese woman babysat in Seattle in January 1961...wait for it...NOT Barry but an African-Asian baby fathered by BHO Sr. and a secret Filipino wife maiden named Anna S. Toot...and this baby becomes “the dark boy” (actually Mark Obama Ndesand) who somehow appears in a picture together with “Barry” (actually baby David Obama) who somehow having gotten from Hawaii to Seattle in 1961 with his mother Anna S. Obama then goes to Africa in the company of BHO Sr. and his new wife Ruth to be raised in Kenya and grow up to become Roman Obama!

    All very entertaining and, IMO, if it wasn't obvious insidious trolling, it would be completely delusional!
    Last edited by bsteadman; 08-14-2012, 04:12 PM.
    B. Steadman