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WTF - Listening to losers -- Tea Party Nation Forum, Judson Phillips

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  • WTF - Listening to losers -- Tea Party Nation Forum, Judson Phillips

    Listening to losers

    Tea Party Nation Forum

    Judson Phillips

    "You may have missed this one in the media. Mitt Romney has a new unofficial consultant. Who is this guy and why should Romney not be listening to him?

    The new guru for Mitt Romney is, get ready for this. Hold on tight. It is Bob Dole.

    Yes, that Bob Dole. You remember him. He was the RINO Senator from Kansas who got his head handed to him by Bill Clinton and made his name by becoming on of the original pitchmen for Viagra.

    Dole was an idiot 16 years ago and time has not been his friend.

    What is Dole’s sage advice for Romney?

    Dump the Tea Party.

    Dole laments that we are no longer being “bipartisan” like we were when he was in the Senate. He thinks Romney should be “bipartisan” and ignore the Tea Party.

    Yes, that is a great idea. Let’s listen to someone who not only lost but lost badly. Let’s listen to someone who would rather lose than win. That is so bright.

    Tea Party members have begun doing what many of us thought would be unthinkable only a few weeks ago. We have begun coalescing around Mitt Romney. I even did what I thought would never happen. I endorsed Romney after he picked Paul Ryan.

    Unfortunately Romney continues to treat the Tea Party the way he did during the primary. He is ignoring us.

    He does so at his peril.

    The real danger for Mitt Romney is not this election.

    Romney is going to win this election.

    But he needs the Tea Party. The Republican Party needs the Tea Party.

    But the Republicans and Mitt Romney are acting like we do not exist. It is worth remembering the elections of 2006 and 2008. Those elections put the Republican Party on the politician endangered species list.

    Neither Bob Dole nor Mitt Romney brought the GOP back. It was the Tea Party.

    The real danger for Mitt Romney is 2013.

    The Tea Party is all in to beat Obama and the Party of Treason.

    But that is this year.

    Next year, all bets are off.

    If Mitt Romney and the new Republican majority act like Bob Dole Republicans and just want to be bipartisan as they spend the nation into bankruptcy, we conservatives will be done with the Republicans. If they choose to play games instead of repealing Obamacare, we will be done with them.

    In 1848, Zachary Taylor ran for President and he won. He was the last man elected President from the Whig Party.

    If the Republicans want to be Democrat lite, Mitt Romney could be the Zachary Taylor of the 21st Century."

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman