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ITB - It's the Narrative Stupid -- Tea Party Nation Forum, Judson Phillips

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  • ITB - It's the Narrative Stupid -- Tea Party Nation Forum, Judson Phillips

    It's the Narrative Stupid

    Tea Party Nation Forum

    Judson Phillips


    "This morning, on Yahoo, the number one trending topic was “CNN Camerawoman.”

    Mia Love is number seven on the list.

    Mia Love brought the house down with an amazing speech on Tuesday night. What happened and why is the story of the CNN Camerawoman the narrative and not Mia Love and her outrageous treatment?

    I wish I could say I am surprised. I am not.

    It is the narrative stupid. The Republican Party still does not get it.

    The story is that a black camerawoman from CNN was tormented by a man at the Republican National Convention who threw peanuts at her and said, “This is how we feed animals.”

    The story immediately took off to support the media narrative that Republicans are racists.

    CNN and MSNBC reported the heckler was ejected by the RNC but the RNC could not return calls for comments.

    Who was this guy?

    The answer is obvious. He was a plant.

    If the Republican Party had asked the Tea Party, we could have told them this was coming. After all, we have been dealing with these plants for three and a half years.

    What is appalling is the Republicans did not have a plan in place for something like this and a rapid response team.

    The narrative is out there that at least some of the Republicans are racists.

    If anyone running the convention had half a brain what they should have done as soon as something like this happened is IDENTIFY by name the perpetrator. Photograph him and even have him arrested if he violated any laws in Florida.

    Instead, they just showed him the door and we do not know who he is. But I am willing to bet he is a left wing activist.

    It is not hard for radical leftists to infiltrate the Republican Convention. A Code Pinktard did it last night. A disgruntled Ron Paul supporter gave her credentials. The RNC quickly found out who did it and got that story out.

    Why didn’t they get the story out about the peanut thrower?

    They should have known this would play right into the narrative the left wing media wants to spin. The left wing media, like CNN and MSNBC did not show some or all of the speeches by some of the great minority candidates the GOP showcased like Ted Cruz or Mia Love. I’m sure they cringe at the label minority as they got where they are because they are conservatives and because they are talented.

    Unlike liberals, conservatives do not look at Ted Cruz and see a Hispanic, nor do we look at Mia Love and see a black woman. We see fellow Americans love this country.

    Mia Love was the number seven trending topic on Yahoo at the same time CNN Camerawoman was number one. A click through showed articles about Mia Love, her speech, her campaign website and a link to her Wikipedia entry. It did not show the story about how far left radicals defaced her Wiki entry with racist remarks after her incredible speech Tuesday night.

    We are used to the double standards in the media. The good news is the conservative media is growing and the drive by media is dying faster than dinosaurs after the great meteor strike.

    Unfortunately the media bias is still something we have to deal with. We have to understand the left is going to try and create narratives that will damage the conservative movement. They use plants all the time. We have seen it countless times at Tea Party rallies and we even have leftist trolls show up, posing as conservatives on TPN and writing outrageous, racist comments.

    The convention hits its climax tonight.

    You can expect something else tonight too. The left wants to do something that will cause the Romney/Ryan ticket problems. They want their narrative to prevail and ensure that Barack Obama is reelected.

    The shocking story here is that the Republicans were not ready for this."


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    B. Steadman