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TMQ - Mitt Romney’s statement on the Libya ambassador attack -- Washington Post

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  • TMQ - Mitt Romney’s statement on the Libya ambassador attack -- Washington Post

    "America will not tolerate attacks against our citizens and against our embassies. We’ll defend also our constitutional rights of speech and assembly and religion.

    We have confidence in our cause in America. We respect our Constitution. We stand for the principles our Constitution protects. We encourage other nations to understand and respect the principles of our Constitution, because we recognize that these principles are the ultimate source of freedom for individuals around the world.

    I also believe the administration was wrong to stand by a statement sympathizing with those who had breached our embassy in Egypt, instead of condemning their actions. It’s never too early for the United States government to condemn attacks on Americans and to defend our values.

    The White House distanced itself last night from the statement, saying it wasn’t cleared by Washington. That reflects the mixed signals they’re sending to the world." - Mitt Romney

    View the complete article, including video, at:

    Mitt Romney’s statement on the Libya ambassador attack

    The Washington Post

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    WHEN WILL AMERICA WAKE UP and realize that all Arab nations hate us and are treacherous , dangerous and hazardous to our
    health , wealth , life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness ??? In the opinion of many AMERICANS , we should abandon all embassies
    and other such offices in every Arab land and cut off all foreign aid to them and other nations . It is idiocy to borrow trillions of
    dollars from China and give to our enemies such as Palestine and Pakistan .

    " Nuke them all and let GOD sort them out . "


    • #3
      Noonan: Romney not helping himself


      Mackenzie Weinger and Dylan Byers


      "The Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan is criticizing Mitt Romney’s response to the death of a U.S. diplomat in Libya, telling Fox News today she doesn’t feel that the Republican presidential nominee “has been doing himself any favors” in the past few hours.

      “I was thinking as he spoke, I think I belong to the old school of thinking that in times of great drama and heightened crisis, and in times when something violent has happened to your people, I always think discretion is the better way to go,” Noonan said. “When you step forward in the midst of a political environment and start giving statements on something dramatic and violent that has happened, you're always leaving yourself open to accusations that you are trying to exploit things politically.”

      In a statement last night, Romney slammed the Obama administration for sympathizing "with those who waged the attacks" rather than condemning the attacks outright. Romney doubled-down on that attack today during a press conference, telling reporters the statement was “akin to apology" and that it was “disgraceful to apologize for American values.”

      But Romney's effort to politicize the violence in Libya was met with blowback not just from the Obama administration but from the media. "[Romney's] doubling down on criticism... is likely to be seen as one of the most craven and ill-advised tactical moves in this entire campaign," Time magazine's Mark Halperin wrote on his blog.

      Noonan's criticism delivers a harder blow, however, coming as it does from high within the ranks of the conservative establishment. Indeed, it is just the latest in a string of criticisms Romney has faced from the right's most influential media outlets in recent days, including The Wall Street Journal editorial page and the Weekly Standard.

      “I don't feel that Mr. Romney has been doing himself any favors, say in the past few hours, perhaps since last night,” Noonan told Fox News. “Sometimes when really bad things happen, when hot things happen, cool words or no words is the way to go.”

      View the complete article at:

      Video: Peggy Noonan: "Romney's Not Doing Himself Any Favors"

      My comment: I think this entire vignette, involving Romney (bad cop) and Noonan (good cop) was largely contrived and coordinated. They either planned it themselves, or more likely, their mutual 'handlers' set up the general plan ahead of time. First, Romney (consummate Establishment-Republican), seeking more and stronger support from the right-wing of the Republican Party, comes down relatively HARD (yeh!) on Obama.

      But then, Noonan (Bilderberg member and a consummate Establishment-Republican), quickly comes back with some SOOTHING WORDS (boo!) on Fox so that the Republican Center and the Democrat 'Fence Sitters' don't get too upset with Romney. The tactic is pretty transparent and pathetic, but I guess that's just typical politics.
      Last edited by bsteadman; 09-14-2012, 11:37 AM.
      B. Steadman

